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How to come into balance? Let go in peace of those in your life who take away your peace, strength, joy in life. Let go of the memory of what has long been gone, but ghosts still bother you. The ability to let go of what has become obsolete right away is the key to a healthy psyche and longevity! By letting go, you regain your integrity, restore your resources, vitality and health. Often, we don’t even suspect what contributes to the leakage of our energy, where our strength goes, where our capabilities are lost. We get stuck in old situations, trying to figure them out again and again. but we are wasting our time and energy. Healing old emotional traumas will help you let go. what happened a long time ago will restore your lost resources and return you to a full and joyful life. It is also very important to identify your negative life scenarios and begin to gradually transform them. Many of us do not even suspect that we live through such scenarios and live like this all our lives. I suggest you wake up and start changing your life for the better. As one of the greats said, there is only one life and it is fleeting. Observe your surroundings. Who's next to you? How do these people live? What are their views on life? Through what filters of perception do they see it? Much will become clear to you and you will begin to notice how your environment affects you. Man is designed this way; he needs to “be in the pack.” This is a very ancient instinct. Those excluded from the tribes could not survive and always died alone. But you can choose your flock yourself. Now we live in a different time. Look at how your surroundings live, what interests and values ​​do they have? Are they in tune with yours? Do they give you strength and support or, on the contrary, take away your strength and destroy you? How does a clash of beliefs affect you? Is there strength in these debates and disagreements? Each of us belongs to our own clan, carries within us ancestral and family memory. For some, the genus gives its strength and support, while for others it forces them to live through ancestral scenarios, taking away the opportunity to live their own lives. Often, those excluded from the clan demand compensation. therefore, the family system begins to balance such imbalances through a new generation. It’s not for nothing that they knew everyone in their family at least until the 7th generation. Trace and analyze whether there are such blind spots in your family or family? Are there secrets in the family and who is behind these secrets? Perhaps you will discover a lot for yourself and maybe one of you will see whose life scenario he is living. Whose fate is he compensating for? Often at this stage of restoring balance in the family, accepting those excluded from the family, positive changes occur in life. Chronic diseases go away, children are born, men stop dying. You begin to feel the strength and support of your kind. Draw the right conclusions and change your life for the better. I wish you to discern the most important thing that is preventing you from living a full and happy life now. Understand, heal and let go of someone else's heaviness, guilt and obligations. Cancel oaths and vows previously made. And I will be glad to help you with this.