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Let's ask ourselves the question of the intentionality of lies. Voluntary or involuntary, deliberate or accidental, for the benefit or out of compassion - there are a lot of everyday varieties. And the fact that we willingly lie to ourselves is familiar to everyone... And when we speak any speech, we always leave something short, or we say it wrong - we don’t have enough words to fully express ourselves, the speech itself is misleading. Creating a trap, a general mess where truth and lies are mixed into one... Yes, based on the usual duality, dialectics - if there were no lies, truth, as its opposite, would not exist. And how to draw the line here, what to rely on?? ?A very knowledgeable colleague* suggested the following metaphor as an illustration. Let's take a glass of water and put a pencil in it. I'll show you this picture. Are you looking at this? It looks like this. Which pencil? There are three possible answers: I won’t discuss the first one now, it looks like this: these are people who are confident in the literalness of what is happening, as if there is no water in the glass, who do not understand the polysemy, metaphor, extraordinary and specific. This is too much of a hotel topic. (For my colleagues, let me explain that we are talking about a psychotic structure, when the signifier and its meaning are rigidly fixed). And this is not about lying. The second option: the most logical, directly coming from formal logic - there is a straight pencil in a glass - You see the picture, but, in fact, you do not believe your eyes, because you once put into your head the knowledge about the refractive properties of the liquid. T. That is, although we clearly see one thing, we are sure of something completely different, something we have an idea about. We rely on knowledge. Did you answer like this??? Congratulations - you are people who sometimes tend to deceive themselves. Some are very successful in this - seeing an obvious untruth, they turn a blind eye to it, cling to rose-colored glasses, and believe in good and bright intentions. I’m speaking straight forward, exaggerating a little so that the essence becomes convex. But there are people who will put an initially crooked pencil in a glass. If you do this, what will happen? And the third option looks like this: There is a perfect pencil in the glass. It's like a fairy tale has come true. The impossible became possible. This is a metaphorical image of people who deceive others, take advantage of others. They stubbornly maintain the existence of illusion. It is possible to take advantage of those who see life poorly - they are naive, young, or could not even imagine such a thing. And this is the bitterness of the situation. The saddest examples: * violence in the family - the father beats or worse rapes his daughter, and the mother, seeing even obvious indications of this, does not believe her own eyes, but believes his words about his love * gigolo falling in love with himself women * a businessman who deliberately cheats on his partners and those who consider him friends * a father who does not pay child support, convincing everyone that he loves the child endlessly * a woman who cheats on money under the guise of a relationship, etc. That is a person persistently presents to the world a certain image of himself - positive, socially integrated, successful or loving, etc. - knowing full well that this image is completely false. It’s strange, but despite all the evidence of experience, it’s quite difficult to understand this, because in practice, just a deceiver and the deceiver in the third picture can look similar. Almost all people resort to deception in life, without this doesn't work. Sometimes there is no other way out but deception. But if those people (who usually deceive themselves), when deceiving another, experience discomfort and, deep down in their souls, realizing that their actions are not plausible, they certainly experience a feeling of guilt... Then the peculiarity of the latter is precisely that no They do not feel guilt; on the contrary, they receive special pleasure and pride from a successful lie. They deceive as if they are not subject to all the problems that others have. As if they are omnipotent, as if nothing bothers them about worldly things - neither their reputation, nor the attitude of loved ones, nor the attitude of others. The philosophy of such a life is simple - as long as you believe, you are in the same boat with me, if you don’t believe, get out, you are my enemy and there will be no mercy for you for this. Special)