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Continued. Start here and here Live on top naked, Write simple sonnets... And take from people from the valley Bread, wine and cutlets. Sasha Cherny. 1909. Self-isolation as sensory deprivationSelf-isolation is a problem for people with an external locus of control. That is, for those who are accustomed to being like puppets - their strings are pulled and manipulated. But they themselves are accustomed to manipulating others, this is the other side of the coin. But in conditions of self-isolation and quarantine, it is difficult to manipulate anyone, except those who are forced to live with you under the same roof... That’s why people strive to hang out, communicate, interact - because their entire identity is external. Most people define themselves through the performance of social roles, through communication and interaction. And that is why the state of self-isolation is so painful for them - they experience it as a loss of their own self. Associations arise with the concept of the Black Mirror - you look into it and do not see yourself, your social face. Psychologically, self-isolation is strongly associated with a state of sensory deprivation - when in experiments special conditions were created for subjects to sharply limit the influx of sensory sensations. It turned out that this was a very uncomfortable state and many subjects demanded to stop the experiment early precisely because of this feeling of severe, unbearable emotional discomfort. But the authorities promise to roughly repress those who want to end their “forced self-isolation” without permission. In connection with the above, I predict a greater number of psychological and psychosomatic disorders among urban residents during mass self-isolation. Data has just arrived from the UK that: according to the Guardian, 80 percent of young people under 25 who had psychological problems before the coronavirus, the condition worsened due to the pandemic. 32 percent rated their condition as seriously deteriorated. Forced reflectionEverything was decided by a mighty hurricane. I. Ilf, E. Petrov. “Golden Calf” At the same time, there are people who need solitude, distance from social activity, because this is necessary for introspection, for reflection. And reflection loves silence. These are people with an internal locus of control. For such people, the weakening of social ties and the transition to self-isolation is a blessing, a dream, a gift from Fate. Why? Because in normal times, self-isolation requires too many conditions (availability of space, money, food, remote work, etc.) that are difficult to provide for yourself alone. But if they demand self-isolation from you and tell you that this is a form of your social responsibility, then you will voluntarily engage in reflection, i.e. knowledge of oneself. It cannot be said that quarantine is useful for creativity, but solitude and self-isolation greatly contribute to it, because a creative person is not distracted by the vain and transitory, but focuses on the eternal and imperishable, albeit for a limited time. Let's look at the historical examples known to us - how well-known geniuses managed forced or voluntary self-isolation. Michel de Montaigne Michel de Montaigne - French writer and philosopher of the Renaissance, author of the book "Essays" - wrote this famous book in the 16th century in conditions of almost complete self-isolation, settling in his family castle. For him, such solitude was a necessary condition for creativity, and it was thanks to such self-isolation that we received his invaluable “Experiences.” William Shakespeare In 1606, an outbreak of bubonic plague occurred in London. When the death toll exceeded 30 thousand people, theaters were closed for almost the entire year. William Shakespeare, being an actor and member of the King's Men troupe, was left without work, but he did not sit idle. During quarantine, he wrote the plays “King Lear”, “Macbeth”, “Antony and Cleopatra”. Isaac Newton In 1665, an epidemic of bubonic plague began again in England, then about 100 thousand people died. It was in the “plague year”young Newton began developing the theory of differential and integral calculus, and also conducted optical experiments, with the help of which he proved that white color is a mixture of colors of the spectrum. During the same period, Newton created the foundations of the theory of gravity. Alexander Pushkin Closer to us is our national “everything” - A.S. Pushkin lived in conditions of a cholera epidemic for two years in a row - in the autumn of 1830 and in the summer of 1831. Here is one of his descriptions: “I barely had time to arrive when I found out that villages near me were being cordoned off and quarantines were being established. The people grumble, and absurd riots break out here and there. I went about my business, rereading Coleridge, writing fairy tales and not visiting my neighbors.” Or even better: “...I arrived in the village and am relaxing. Cholera morbus is near me. ... Do you know what kind of animal this is? Look, he'll run into Boldino and eat us all! ...Oh, my dear! What a beauty this village is! imagine: steppe and steppe; not a soul’s neighbors, ride as much as you like, write at home as much as you like, no one will interfere.” What Alexander Sergeevich wrote during the three months of “Boldino sitting”: About 30 poems, among them “Demons”, “Spell”, “Elegy” ", "My Genealogy" "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda" "Belkin's Stories": "Blizzard", "The Young Lady-Peasant", "The Station Agent", "The Shot", "The Undertaker" two chapters of "Eugene Onegin" " Little tragedies": "The Miserly Knight", "Mozart and Salieri", "The Stone Guest", "Feast during the Plague" "House in Kolomna" But at the same time, Pushkin sharply criticized government measures against cholera. Especially quarantines. I believed that quarantines cause great economic damage. Quarantines paralyzed the life of the country and caused general discontent. What to do during quarantine? Listening to your intuition Forced self-isolation is a great time to get to know your intuition. As you know, intuition knows everything. Relax your left hemisphere of your brain, frantically searching for answers to questions about the pandemic that no one knows, because this is a new, unprecedented situation. Turn to your intuition (it is in the right hemisphere of the GM, if anything - although this does not matter)). Intuition knows what will happen “to the Motherland and to us,” but it communicates this in a very unique language – not through words and symbols, but through images and sensations. To learn to read these messages, you need to learn to listen to yourself. This is long-term work, many years of practice. And if you haven’t mastered it yet, then self-isolation is an excellent occasion and a favorable time to start. Let me remind you that the quiet voice of the heart can only be heard in silence, silence and peace. Behind the overwhelming emotions, excitement and feverish communications, you simply won’t hear him. Learning to get delayed gratification Exactly a year ago, I wrote an article in which I taught how to get delayed gratification. Now the time has come to learn to enjoy the moment, Here and Now. Learn to enjoy and use what you already have. And each of you has a lot. For example, many have and will remain healthy. Self-isolation brings back to you the values ​​you had forgotten, especially intangible ones. Such as: Love Freedom Caring for loved ones Attention to people Creativity Time to live A place to live as a refuge Is this not enough? Use what you have, what has been given to you and what you have created yourself. Rejoice that you are alive, healthy and are on a holiday from the hustle and bustle that has been given to you. Taking care of yourself And finally, it’s time to start actively taking care of yourself and your health. After all, the main point of self-isolation during a pandemic is to preserve your health with all your might. After all, how much new we have learned about the nature and nature of the spread of the virus. And that only fanatical hand washing is one of the main ways of self-defense. Now we need to master the ability to maintain social distance, which has moved from the lessons of proxemics into public life. I used to talk about this at special MBA courses, but now they broadcast it from everyone. I recently found out".