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A panic attack is a sudden surge of intense fear that develops rapidly and reaches a peak within a minute. Symptoms of a panic attack include sweating, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling, dizziness, tingling in the extremities, and chills. These symptoms are frightening and cause a second wave of fear and panic for your health. What to do when a panic attack is already underway? tell yourself, admit that I’m having a panic attack now, remember that a panic attack and its symptoms go away in 15 minutes, that’s exactly how long adrenaline works. And wait patiently and calmly for it to end. switch your attention - talk to someone, or call your loved ones, ask a question and listen carefully to the answer. Or ask for help and support. distracting action - pinch yourself, or wear an elastic band on your wrist, pull it so that it clicks on your hand; slow down your breathing, try to breathe deeper, count your breaths and exhalations; awareness of the present moment - take a notepad and pen, start writing down the time the panic attack began , symptoms, what thoughts come. learn muscle relaxation, start doing it during an attack, use imagination techniques, surf on a wave of fear, imagine yourself as a mountain or a cliff on the seashore, on which different waves roll. no matter how big the wave is, it will certainly subside. What to do to prevent panic attacks: contact a cognitive-behavioral psychologist, because the CBT approach has scientifically proven protocols for the treatment of panic attacks; learn more information about panic attacks from a psychologist. That the consequences of attacks that frighten and increase panic never occur to anyone. No one’s heart stopped, everyone’s heart usually holds up, no one has yet suffocated, gone crazy, or fainted. Regularly engage in practices of mindfulness, breathing, muscle relaxation. Perform exposure techniques with a psychologist, and then independently. Gradually do what causes fear and accumulate positive experience, good statistics. Notice that nothing bad happens after that.