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We can teach our child to cross the road only when the traffic light is green. We can teach our children the skills to care for pets. We can reward them for reading books and doing homework. We can teach our children to sort waste. But beyond these skills, how focused are we on helping our child learn to express their feelings? Are we able to hear what our child is currently experiencing, what makes him angry or happy, before he runs away and slams the door behind him? How can we help our children become spiritually mature and happy people? The purpose of education is not to fill gaps in a child’s knowledge with the necessary information and not just to provide instructions or instill useful skills. Our global task, as parents, is to HELP! children to become happy in a complex, diverse world. It is important for us that when a child goes out into the world, he has knowledge of good values ​​and skills of emotional openness. What do we need to do to complete this task? School does not teach how to recognize emotions, how to manage them, or how to communicate with friends or adults. At school, children use the knowledge, skills and models that they received at home. Therefore, it is very important to pay due attention to the development of the child’s emotional intelligence in the family. Only parents can, through their example and support, help their child become a psychologically and spiritually mature person. When I left the province at the age of 15 to study in a big city, my mother said: “Well, you’re leaving, but I didn’t have time to teach you anything.” When should you start raising your child? Raising a child begins from the first day of birth. The child learns to build relationships in contact with his parents when they feed him, put him to bed, play, and smile. The child absorbs the atmosphere at home, ways of reacting to certain situations. A small child feels part of the family. Is it possible to blame the hand, that is, the child, for hitting his younger brother? No, this was done by the family system in which the child grows, through his hand. Therefore, family and child psychologists say that there are no problem children, there are only problem parents. Children are our mirror and in order to find out what is wrong with our child, we must first find out what is wrong with us as parents. But the real adventure in a child's life begins around the age of eight. An eight-year-old child begins to understand what the world is and realize who he is in this world. He already has an idea of ​​the rules, what can be done and what cannot be done. From this age, children know that it is wrong to bully someone and it is right to help others. From this moment on, the child begins to develop his personal interests and inclinations, he is immersed in a fascinating and unpredictable world. Our parental task is to send him there prepared physically, psychologically and spiritually. What is important to pay attention to? Self-awareness Our child must grow up to be the best version of himself. This means that he must learn to recognize his potential and his limitations. Our task is to help him learn to be independent, independent, and self-confident. The child must see what he is really capable of, what he is good at, and what his talents may not be enough for. Some parents try to overly protect their child from the world. Yes, of course, the world can sometimes be dangerous and scary, but at the same time it is also full of happiness, joy and goodness. If we rob a child of his ability to explore the world on his own and don't help him learn to make his own decisions, his self-confidence will suffer. Let our children grow, and we will support them! We can punish a child for mistakes, or we can teach him to do something better. What do we choose? Responsibility A spiritually mature person is responsible for himself, does not depend on others and relies on his own abilities. Gradually, as the child develops and grows, we can give him more.