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Why do people look for purpose? Why does this concept not exist in psychology? And how do you still find yourself? To begin with, I would like to note that the concept of destiny implies that there is some “someone” who knows exactly what path a person is destined to take in this life. And here we again return to responsibility, when the person himself does not want to waste time searching for a profession, but waits for an answer from the Universe. But if you want to get a good result from life, then you should take everything into your own hands and understand that the only person who will help you find yourself in this life - it’s you. Over the course of your life, you can even change several areas of activity and this is normal. One thing I know for sure, each of us has talents or abilities in some area. Pay attention to the area that you have always been attracted to places where you feel complete satisfaction from the activity and do not think about time. This is where you can realize your full potential. Scientists have found that a person is drawn to study those skills that will be easier for him to master, due to the more enhanced development of those parts of the brain responsible for learning these skills. It would seem that everything is very simple. Do what you like. But if I don’t know what I want and I don’t like anything? There are several reasons that do not allow me to realize my desires and needs. But now I would like to talk about specific actions that can help. First, you need to understand at what stage of “not knowing yourself” you are. You don’t understand at all which jeans suit you and you consult with a friend; or you know what you want to eat for breakfast, but you're confused and don't know what profession to choose. After all, these are two different levels of awareness. In the first case, you will have longer and more thorny work than in the second case. You will have to listen to yourself down to the smallest detail and listen, are you comfortable in this dress? Or would you actually like to wear sneakers and jeans? Do you want to finish the last piece of cake or is this desire due to the ancient fear of not getting it again? If you still want to understand yourself at a deeper level and choose one profession for yourself, then first think about your internal guidelines and values. Do you know them? What is important to you? Let me give you an example. It is very important for me to help people and be useful to this world. It’s also difficult for me not to be creative for a long time. Accordingly, I chose the profession of psychologist. Here I can help people and express myself through the content I create. I think that I have found the ideal option for myself. And another very important point. When you are in your place, doing what suits your inner needs and values, then you have no doubt about your choice of path. If you are constantly searching for yourself, even if you have settled on one area and are still looking for something more suitable, then most likely you are following the wrong path. The second point that requires attention is your beliefs. From experience I can say that many they don’t do what they want because of their convictions: it’s not profitable, it’s not serious. Here, too, it is important to understand that people go for energy. If they see your sparkling eyes in a video on your blog, they will subscribe and want to buy from you. People don’t care whether your business is serious or profitable. There will be a light coming from you that you can ignite in them, so they will want to touch you at least through your product. Therefore, selling what you adore will not leave you without money. It’s good if there are people around you who do not devalue you. People who accept all your ideas. Even if you are still in search of yourself and find a new activity every day, it is important that friends support you and do not reinforce the negative beliefs that you may already have. In a good way, you should have space for free expression of yourself, where your inner child can feel accepted and will give you ideas and the desire to develop. Then the work begins.