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1. At the beginning, decide for yourself what you want to talk about, and choose the appropriate form for presenting your view, point of view, feelings, requests, without leaving or postponing until later, so that everything will resolve itself.2. Mentally, for a few minutes, replay this conversation in your imagination with a positive ending, understanding - realizing what you want in your relationship with your partner? After this, turn on your reason, realizing that in fact the conversation can take either the desired result or another, therefore, the main thing here is DIALOGUE, where you and your partner have the opportunity to hear each other, and in the future choose your behavior based on partner's own reaction to the above.3. Invite your partner to talk when it is convenient for him and you, without the presence of strangers (mom, dad, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc.), even if they have the best intentions.4. Start the conversation with the positive qualities of your partner, which you know and respect as a person, what is valuable and dear to you in him as a person. The most effective will be according to the formula: + - + (plus - minus - plus). For example: (+) I value such qualities in you as your care and attention to me (you can list one or three qualities for which you respect your partner), (-) but when my beloved (husband, partner) promises and does not fulfills, I begin to get angry and offended, thereby feeling neglected and ignored by my loved one. (+) Therefore, I want to ask you that if you promised me something, keep your word and do it. And if you are not 100% sure that you will fulfill it, it is better not to promise, because I value honesty and responsibility in a partner. Or, another option: 1. Feeling and what is it connected with? 2. What do I want from a partner? 3. End the conversation on a positive note. “It hurts and upsets me when my partner doesn’t call back when he’s late. I want you to notify me by call or SMS. Thus, I will know that I am significant to you and my respect and love for you will only be stronger.”5. Express your thoughts and feelings to your partner through “I-statements”, without blaming “you”, but thereby expressing yourself and to yourself. Your partner also has the right to express his thoughts and feelings, at his own discretion, which also have place and right to be, which should be pronounced according to the same formula.6. Be specific in your presentation, without remembering everything that was accumulated before, speak only to the essence and fact of what happened, without moving on to the personal characteristics of your partner.7. Express yourself and give the opportunity to speak to a partner who may share your point of view, or may have a different view, and everyone has the right to this. And then, we are talking about equal relationships, where there is trust in presenting your sincere feelings and intentions. Remembering that MEETING is possible only at the border of differences!8. Try to discuss no more than one to three issues a day, and do not exceed the time limit (maximum) of 1 hour.9. Know that it can be difficult to come to cooperation and mutual agreement at the initial stage, therefore, start with a compromise - mutual concessions.10. Know that if you don’t respect your partner’s personality, don’t trust him, are jealous, etc., then this has a lot to do with you personally. Therefore, if you want to build a constructive, equal relationship with your partner, then work through these topics individually with a psychologist. 11. If it is difficult for you to come to an agreement in a couple on your own, then it is better to use a professional family psychologist, who is needed at the initial stage as an intermediary (translator, moderator, facilitator) in whom you will gain trust.