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I think you've had to break up. And you remember how painful, bitter, painful, unbearable it is. Especially if it was not you who left the man, but vice versa. It's terrible to feel abandoned. This is comparable to betrayal. When you loved, trusted him with your secrets, he knew your weaknesses. And suddenly he leaves... It’s good if he explains why and it’s good if he manages to explain it with dignity and with respect for you and your, now, past relationship. What if you hear that he leaves because he fell in love with someone else?! Or does he just run away like a coward, without saying anything, without answering your phone calls? “What about me,” you think, “waste material????” Self-esteem drops below zero, you try to find the answer to the question “Why?”, you fill your pillow and your girlfriend with tears, you hate your offender and are going to take revenge on him, or you are developing a plan to keep him near you at any cost. Sometimes it seems to us that there are more separations in life , since partings are much harder than meetings and acquaintances. Why is it so difficult to get over breakups? We come into this world once, but we leave it many times: when we part with our favorite places, with loved ones, with familiar circumstances. And the memory of pain is strong enough, so it seems that there are more separations than meetings. The fear that accompanies the separation of a man and a woman goes back centuries: when sending her breadwinner to hunt or go to war, the woman did not know whether she would see him alive. But, unfortunately, there are situations when separation is inevitable - I don’t mean temporary separation, but separation forever. Love has passed... Unfortunately, this happens. The relationship has become obsolete and needs to end. But how to do it right? We do this as best we can, and therefore sometimes these relationships drag on indefinitely, we suffer and feel unhappy. By parting “haphazardly,” we condemn our once beloved person to life with the feeling of “I was abandoned,” the pain is like the lowing of an animal: a person suffers, not understanding why, not knowing how to live on. There are no beautiful breakups, it always hurts. But you can break up correctly, without being tormented by feelings of guilt, without offending the person you are breaking up with. Do you think this is possible? I invite you to visit psixologlvova.ru