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From the author: The article is devoted to how to establish contact with your unconscious and discover your totem animal. When working with parts of our unconscious, the form in which they appear to us is of great importance. The so-called internal representation of a part can appear in the form of an object, image, symbol, animal or even a person. In general, the unconscious “loves” images, they are the language in which it speaks to us. Developing sensitivity to such images and the ability to interact with them is not just the key to understanding yourself. This skill allows you to gain access to enormous internal resources, touch spirituality and even develop superpowers. Many clients, even after contact with the unconscious has been established and the problematic part has been transformed into something positive, still question what happened. “Didn’t I just imagine all this?” - the most common question you hear. Obviously, the question comes from the logical-skeptical part or the left hemisphere, which during the dialogue with the unconscious was in a slight slumber, and now has woken up and wants to sort everything out. In fact, the question is provocative, because it can be answered at the same time “ Yes and no". “Yes” - because all these images were created with the help of imagination, and “no” - because the seen representations of parts of the psyche were born in a “natural” way thanks to good contact with the unconscious. The images seen in themselves do not have much significance; the important thing is that they are a reflection of the deep structures of the psyche. One of the important figures in the development of contact with the unconscious is the image of a totem animal. In a scientific sense (according to Wikipedia), a totem is understood as an object or phenomenon nature, to which one or another social group or individual renders special worship and consider themselves related to it. Anything can be used as a totem, but the most common (and, apparently, ancient) options were animals. How can the image of your totem animal be useful? In general, an animal is associated with natural strength and energy. To open your image of the totemic beast means to gain such strength, to open the source of inner power and resources. And also take a step towards understanding your spiritual essence. Before we move on to the exercise, I want to once again draw your attention to the fact that the image of the animal must come on its own. The ancients would say that the totem should choose you, not you it. From a psychological point of view, this is another argument in favor of the need for good contact with the unconscious. Exercise: meeting your totem animal. Step 0. Preparation. Relax and make sure there are no distractions throughout the entire process. Silence your phone and lie down or sit as comfortably as possible. Breathe deeply, you can imagine that the air is passing through your legs to your lungs. Try to relax your whole body. Step 1. Meadow. Imagine that you are in a meadow. You are standing in the middle of an open space, grass and wildflowers under your feet. Somewhere in the distance there are bushes and trees. What time of year is it now? How tall is the grass in the meadow? Feel your connection with the earth, with the grass, with the space around you. Feel the awe, power and beauty of nature around you. Step 2: Cave. Now imagine that behind one of the bushes there is an entrance to a cave. Hidden behind the foliage, you can watch the cave opening. At the same time, you remain invisible to the one who comes out of this hole. Step 3. Totem animal. You continue to watch the cave from your hiding place and realize that your totem animal is about to come out of it. Be patient and pay close attention to what is happening. May the image of this animal appear soon. See it come out of the cave. What kind of animal is that? How does it move, how does it behave? What sounds does it make? What color is it? Step 4. Interact with the totem animal. Come out of your hiding place carefully!