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Self-humiliation is a lack of self-esteem. A person belittles his merits, external data, and capabilities. He lacks faith in his own abilities. He is afraid to take any step because he believes that he will undoubtedly fail. Both a feeling of shame and a feeling of guilt are deeply embedded in him; he perceives life and the world itself pessimistically. Ozhegov also writes about self-abasement, when a person recognizes his Self as insignificant and worthless. His self-esteem is zero. These words are synonyms. Where does a person’s loss of his Self come from.... As a child, he could have been subjected to humiliation and ridicule. He was deprived of the right to vote and his own opinion. Quite likely, his every step was decided for him, and if he tried to show independence, it was “cut down” to the root. Therefore, in adult life, such people try to please everyone and try to be invisible if possible. They do not know how to contact people and, for the most part, remain alone. They ask for forgiveness for any reason, apologize for some words or their actions. They are afraid to be seen and often, such people find idols for themselves, whom they bow down to. Such people are perceived as shy, but this is only the outer shell. Although, there are really shy people, but this is completely different. A shy person is a character trait that has nothing to do with self-humiliation. I remember a client of this psychotype. When she talked about herself, after each word she repeated: “Forgive me, Lord.” Literally, after each one. After all, you can’t call this phrase a parasite, but what then? But it was very difficult to listen to her. When I asked why she was doing this, she replied: “Yes? But I don’t notice somehow.” At the same time, she crossed her arms and legs, thereby involuntarily defending herself, although she came for help. Fear “sat” deep in the subconscious, fear is not the kind that is called self-preservation from sudden danger, but far-fetched and imaginary, which turned into all kinds of phobias. In fact, self-abasement or self-abasement is an internal conflict with oneself. A person lives from past negative experiences, therefore he is afraid of the present and the future. It is very difficult to rebuild your thinking, which for a long time was in the grip of a gloomy perception of yourself and the world around you. And when they say that you need to fill yourself with love to the brim and happiness will come, this is a utopia. Such people already have an established perception of themselves, their life, their present and future. And a huge amount of work must be done by a specialist to return a person to his integrity, to help “rewrite” his past, to teach him to perceive losses, mistakes, failures, disappointments as experience, necessary and valuable. The work is long and it can give a good result, but only case if the person himself wants to change, realizing that what he has in life is the result of his perception, thinking and attitudes. Of the many techniques, there is a technique called “Screen”. Sit comfortably, direct your gaze at an angle of 45 degrees (this is important), close your eyes and relax. Count slowly from 1 to 10. Imagine that you are sitting in a cinema, it is dark around, and in front of you is a large screen. There, on the screen, you see a film about a person who causes you delight and admiration. This person can be either someone you invented or an existing one, famous or someone you know. The one on screen is smart, confident, he is a leader, he is respected and appreciated. They ask him for advice and his word is very significant for everyone. For you, he is the one you would like to become. Imagine a short video with him, without any plot. These are small scenes of how he walks, talks, communicates, and holds himself. Imagine the film as colorful and bright. Watch it as often as possible. Then imagine how you get up from your chair and go to the screen, you come close and merge with your hero. Now start playing the film again, only there you are already the hero. You are confident, charming and sociable. You must.