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From the author: based on the books by Vadim Zeland “Reality Transurfing” and others.1. Stop drinking, smoking, eating meat. Don't eat at fast foods. In general, don’t eat anything anywhere, preferably feed yourself live food, limit carbohydrates, eliminate sugar. Don't chew gum. It is advisable to switch to tooth powder - fluoride compounds in toothpastes inhibit the pineal gland.2. Cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. It is advisable to carry out antiparasitic cleaning. Throw away excess medications. Iodine, green tea and peroxide. Like in the army. Don't go to doctors. In general, stop believing in illnesses. There are none.3. Start talking to your body. The body, this divine vessel, has its own voice and its own consciousness, and always says what it needs and what it doesn’t need. And you need to learn to respect him. The need for low vibration food indicates distortions in the cellular structure. Establish contact with the elements of the body. Make friends with them and give them tasks to cleanse, restore and transform the true body. Talk to the water while washing. Ask her to cleanse the lower bodies, thank her for this. Stop painting your nails and getting manicures trimmed, and generally stop visiting such low-vibration places for women's pleasures as salons and hairdressers. Don't walk around with your hair down. Hair is an antenna; it collects other people's thoughts and unnecessary information. Let your hair down only when communicating with the Highest, in meditation.4. Every day (you can do gymnastics in the evening), any set of calm physical exercises accompanied by meditative music. Use an aroma lamp and oils that open various chakras. 5. A daily walk of 2-3 hours in the air, preferably away from the matrix. Communication with nature. Focus on breathing. Stop visiting shopping centers, stadiums, demonstrations, smoky pubs and glamorous establishments. Discuss anything or anyone with girlfriends, boys, grandmothers. Avoid unnecessary communication. 6. Go through your entire wardrobe. Leave comfortable, practical, not pretentious natural things in a loose fit. Well, T-shirts with jeans, of course. Throw out everything black. Realize that there are more things than you can bear. Give away the excess and stop forever thinking about fashion and what to wear. And then where should I go in this, so that someone would look at me, so (so) elegant. 7. Wear as little jewelry as possible. Chains, necklaces, bracelets, rings, all of this connects energies and blocks free current. Do about the same with tons of perfumes and cosmetics, jars, bottles. Everything unnecessary goes into the trash bin. 8. Throw out the microwave, never watch TV (throw it away). Turn off unnecessary appliances in the house from the network. Remove all tangles of wires. Do not talk on your mobile phone (almost throw it away), turn it off during sleep, meditation and when you are not there: for example, you are in another dimension or creating. The computer - well, it’s hard to throw it away, I understand. But limit all nonsense, purchases from Internet sites and women's forums, games for boys. 9. Create perfect order in the room, in the house, in the garden. Clean all the corners, throw out everything unnecessary, mercilessly. Say goodbye to all the broken, broken, glued, non-functional rubbish lying on the mezzanine. Down with the trash. What is outside is also inside. Fix everything that needs to be fixed. The taps should not leak. Love everything that surrounds you. 10. Forgive everyone and ask everyone for forgiveness. Everyone who intrusively appears in your head, like an uninvited guest, and begins an internal dialogue with you, although you did not invite him. The most wonderful technique is Ho'oponopono. Verified.