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Anxiety is an emotion that includes worry, worry, and inner turmoil. Most often, anxiety is associated with unpleasant sensations in the body, frightening thoughts and other not very joyful things. What is anxiety and how to deal with it? Anxiety comes in different intensities. If your sleep is disturbed, depression intensifies and thoughts of suicide appear, you should seek help from specialists. Moreover, now many organizations offer free psychological assistance. Anxiety is constant and situationalAnxiety can be constant and situational. Background (constant) anxiety is a kind of “built-in option”, which under normal conditions helps us by noting those signals from the surrounding world that may indicate danger. Situational anxiety is associated with a sudden sharp peak. This, for example, happens if you have a panic attack. How to get rid of anxiety Now many people experience quite severe constant anxiety. The following things help get rid of anxiety (or at least reduce it): Rhythmic movements and aerobic exercise (at least 10 - 15 minutes a day). At home this can be walking in place, gymnastics or squats, on the street - walking or running. This helps to distract yourself, increases the production of endorphins, relieves stress, improves mood and sleep. Regularity is better than intensity. Taking care of your body. You can take a bath or shower, cook something delicious, or keep your hands busy. In general, anything that will occupy you physically. Distraction. A conversation on abstract topics with a person you like, a good movie, your favorite music, an interesting book will do. Yes, at least cleaning is a double benefit. Practice meditation or relaxation, stretching. Not everyone succeeds in meditating at first, but the important thing here is to keep trying. You can find useful audio or video on the Internet. Limit the time you spend watching the news. Give yourself a special time for this, for example, half an hour in the morning and afternoon, and do not read them at other times. Stop toxic contacts. If someone sows panic or gushes out emotions that are unpleasant to you, you should isolate yourself from such people. This applies not only to personal contacts, but also to social networks. Block people you don't like. Drink more water. Dehydration is often a cause of concern. Don't lose your sense of humor. This helps you look at the situation from a different perspective and activates areas of the brain that suppress anxiety. Creative activities. 30 - 40 minutes is enough to let go a little. Rituals. It is very important to do something familiar that gives you a feeling of reliability and control over the situation. Psychotherapy. You can call the hotline or contact a psychologist in person or online. It can't get any worse.