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I congratulate you, you have a boy!!! Heir to your family name. Successor of your Family. I congratulate you, you have a baby girl!!! Heiress and keeper of the Family. Continuer of life. Many parents have questions: How to raise a worthy heir? How to raise a real man from a boy? How to raise a happy woman out of a girl? Do we have experience in upbringing worthy of continuation or are we, as parents, in search? Is there a difference in raising a son and daughter, and if there is, what is it? Where can I get knowledge and examples, what can I rely on in this interesting and diverse process - the process of education? If we have already made some mistakes in our upbringing, is it possible to correct this? Every parent who cares about the fate of their child sooner or later begins to ask themselves similar questions and look for answers to them. EDUCATION - IN - AXIS - NUTRITION! What kind of AXIS is this? And how to feed it? And most importantly, what? What kind of AXIS can we develop, nourish and strengthen in a child? In a person, as in a child, there is: BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT. It is they who, for us as parents, can be guidelines for the axis that our upbringing feeds. Each of this trinity requires development, nutrition, strengthening, and possibly healing. When we try to force events or, on the contrary, delay a certain period, we upset the balance, which sooner or later will lead to an imbalance in one of these three areas and problems in the life of the child and parent. What does a child's body need? Please note that at each age the body develops and its needs are met. EVERYTHING HAS ITS TIME. At the moment of bearing a child, the main nutrition of the body occurs through the woman’s blood. At the moment of birth, the main nourishment of the body is mother's milk, hugs, touches, and kind words. Through the mother's breast and milk, the child begins to become aware of the world and himself. As a child grows, food changes, as do the needs of the body. What helps strengthen the body? Physical exercise, sports, active lifestyle, hardening, feasible physical labor, independence according to age, games, physical hugs, massages... What helps strengthen a child’s soul? Love, a kind word, prayer, sincere interest in him, understanding and feeling that you are loved, you are needed, you are valuable, the ability to hear and listen to a child, understand his spiritual needs and satisfy them, emotional contact, bodily contact, hugs, heartfelt openness, emotional and personal development... What helps strengthen a child’s spirit? The ability to overcome difficulties, spiritual and moral development, the formation in a child of correct values, universal human qualities, the ability to distinguish between such concepts as good and evil, bad - good, possible - impossible. Obedience. Forming parental authority, strengthening the inner core in the child, developing the child’s ability to be patient. Develop respect for elders. Orthodox education, as one of the tools for the formation of a strong spirit in a child... I wrote only a little in order to direct you to think about the process of EDUCATION as a process IN THE AXIS OF NUTRITION. Because I am deeply convinced that this process is very creative, very individual and personal. Each pair: PARENTS - CHILD is unique, even in relation to families with more than one child. It’s not possible to raise everyone the same, it’s not possible to educate only according to books or the advice of other people, as well as from your own childhood experience, sooner or later every parent who is looking for answers to these questions is faced with the task of SEARCHING FOR THEIR KEY to their child, of course relying on the knowledge and experience that he collected in his life's treasure chest. What worked and brought results with one child may be completely unusable and ineffective with another child. How can you see this? And here every parent needs to open his heart towards his child, to see HIM - THE CHILD and?