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It is important for any person to be filled with energy so that energy can circulate freely throughout the body. Nature has arranged it in such a way that two streams of energy pass through a person along the spine, which are responsible for the entire energy of a person: one stream goes from the core of the Earth up into the Cosmos (into the Universe), the second flows down from the center of the Cosmos. The flow from bottom to top is responsible for grounding a person. Grounding is a connection with the Center / Core / of the Earth. If the grounding is weak, the lower three chakras (energy centers) are depleted, while the upper ones suffer from an excess of energy. How does this affect the physical body? “Bloating, distension” of the upper body from the crown to the solar plexus (swelling, aching arms, headache, increased blood pressure, nausea, dizziness, palpitations, lower back pain, drowsiness, loss of strength, feet are constantly cold, etc.) . A person who has weak grounding is a dreamer, often has his head in the clouds, can wishful thinking, tends to see everything through rose-colored glasses, and has difficulty accepting criticism. Often such people are very sensitive to receiving foreign energy - energy from other people, they absorb it like a “sponge”. Exercise for grounding Task: relieve tension from the head, switch attention to the here and now, connect with the Earth, restore energy. Take off your shoes, stand on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, knees slightly bent, pelvis slightly forward , tailbone tucked in slightly (imagine a dog tucking its tail). Relax your body, your arms just hang, close your eyes and imagine warm energy rising from the Earth’s core, which begins to fill your feet, ankles, and knees with a slow deep breath. Smoothly rises to the pelvis, fills the body to the top of the head. As you exhale, this energy begins to smoothly descend back, returning again to the core of the Earth. Repeat 5 times, breathing should be natural. Doing the 5th time, together with energy, we raise our hands up, stretch, while exhaling, we lower our hands together in energy, thereby leveling our energy field. FLOW from top to bottom is responsible for the connection with the Cosmos. If the upper 3 centers (starting from the crown chakra “Sahasrara”) are weak (closed, littered), an overload of the lower chakras occurs (strong grounding, lack of vitality). A person with a weak connection with the Cosmos is often aggressive, quick-tempered, uncooperative, and may often suffer from colds. Exercise for connecting with the Universe: Stand on a hard surface (floor or ground). Feet shoulder width apart. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine how the golden energy of life enters from the center of the Universe through the upper crown chakra. While the inhalation lasts, this energy passes through the entire spine, all the chakras and, with exhalation, exits from the feet into the Core of the Earth. We repeat 3 times and remember that breathing during this exercise should be natural. The meeting point of the upper and lower flows is the solar plexus. This is where the energies connect. Exercise to achieve energy balance: Stand straight on a hard surface (floor or ground). Feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up and also slightly to the sides. Stand calm and relaxed. Close your eyes, imagine, feel how from above, from the center of the Universe, through the upper crown chakra, a stream/beam/ of light pure energy descends into your hands, passes through your back and goes into the core of the Earth. Now imagine, feel how pure, powerful energy rises from the core of the Earth. Let it freely enter your energy body, through your legs, pass it behind your back along the spine and let it go into the Universe (into Space) through the back of your head and arms. Having created and clearly felt these 2 flows, stand for 5-10 minutes, running them through yourself until you feel satiated, gradually increase the intensity of the flows as you train.