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Those who have had panic attacks know what a serious, unbearable condition it can be. Fear of losing control over the situation, feeling threatened, fear of death and other unpleasant mental and physical manifestations. Now I want to share with you self-help techniques when a panic attack occurs: 1. A technique aimed at relaxation. This is deep belly breathing. We put our hand on our stomach and begin to breathe, counting to four as we inhale, hold our breath for four counts and exhale, counting to four again. We breathe at this pace until the panic begins to subside. Our task with this technique is to shift the focus of attention from fear to our own breathing.2. The second technique is unique; on the contrary, it is to intensify the panic attack. I understand that this sounds surprising, but what is the point? Often we try to avoid the unpleasant sensations of a panic attack and suppress it, which only makes the panic worse. Then we go from the opposite, and allow ourselves to fully feel this panic, while asking yourself the question: “where in the body do I feel it now?” You can even mentally encourage your panic: “Come on! Even harder! Why is it so weak? I need more.” If during a panic attack you have, for example, a symptom of trembling, and you also have the opportunity to be left alone with yourself, you can directly shake your hands, as if to “shudder” this panic. You will be surprised, but the panic attack will begin to recede. By giving her free rein, you will get out of her power. And the most important thing is to understand that a panic attack is absolutely safe for you, no one has ever died from them. I’ll even say more, a panic attack is useful! Firstly, it signals us about the presence of a problem (psychotrauma, unlived experience), and secondly, due to the fact that our nervous system has been under tension for a long time due to this problem, a panic attack releases energy and helps to release this tension at least a little. Therefore, it is very important to seek help from a psychologist with the problem of panic attacks in order to find together with him the root cause of panic attacks, work through it and get rid of them forever. Because by resorting only to treating panic attacks with medications, you only temporarily suppress the symptoms and may also suffer from the side effects of strong drugs. You can make an appointment with me if you have panic attacks, I will help you get rid of them. See you!