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From the author: The topic is inspired by consultations. Let me start with the fact that a marriage of convenience is not at all a marriage based on the search for benefits, as is commonly believed in society. This is a substitution of concepts. Marriage of convenience is, first of all, a reasonable choice of a partner. What is the basis for a reasonable choice of a partner to start a family? Let's figure it out together. Let's go by contradiction. Let's look at the pitfalls on which a family boat most often breaks during life. I'll say right away that I'm talking about trends. There are always exceptions, but it makes little sense to flatter yourself that you are the exception. The age difference is more than seven years. Humans develop in seven-year cycles. Partners with greater differences have great difficulty finding common ground in the areas of principles, worldview, interests, etc. Not the best option when the wife is older than the husband. A difference of more than 14 years is pedophilic. Alas, in our society this has become a moral fact, that is, one that fits within the framework of established moral principles. So does Senka’s hat, says a popular proverb. It is worth choosing an equal as a partner. An equal in intelligence, in terms of socio-material status. Many people are haunted by the fairy tale about Cinderella, but for some reason everyone has forgotten that in the original version of the fairy tale, Cinderella is the daughter of a king who lost his kingdom, that is, according to her status, Cinderella is a priori a princess. That is, your parental families should also be in tune. Differences in religion and nationality are also a pitfall. You should choose a partner who is in tune with you initially at the level of spirituality, worldview, and moral principles. Male unbelief gives rise to female frivolity. A man who does not believe in himself, does not have spiritual principles, whose words are not confirmed by deeds, attracts a woman who is in tune with himself - a frivolous one, for whom loyalty is not a value, which often leads to betrayal in the family. When choosing a partner, you should look at your relationship chosen one(s) with parents, especially those of the opposite sex. That is, look at the relationship between your girlfriend and your father, your boyfriend and your mother. In these relationships lie the scenarios and patterns of interaction with the opposite sex. A woman who does not respect her father is unlikely to respect men in principle and you, including vice versa. In general, we always attract similar partners to ourselves, but we don’t like being aware of this fact, because it’s easier to see the shortcomings of another and make complaints him and demand changes from him, rather than realizing that you are identical exactly like all your personal qualities. Realize that you should work with yourself, and not change your partner or partners. It doesn't matter what your partner's name is, he will still look like you. A marriage of convenience is a marriage of Love, not of infatuation. Love is a priori reasonable, love is always blind. When we fall in love with another, we fall in love with our best reflection in him, not seeing any flaws at all. Then, when emotions weaken, shortcomings come to the fore. There comes a period of grinding in - or synchronization. During this period, it is important to understand that all the shortcomings of your partner are an area of ​​your development, and not a reason for complaints to your partner. Love is reasonable, you heard right, because the basis of love is honesty, fidelity, respect. Only reasonable people who know how to love themselves and the world around them can do this. Falling in love lasts for an average year. Falling in love is a state in which all channels of perception are focused on the object of sympathy, the mind begins to “freeze.” Therefore, all lovers wear rose-colored glasses and see nothing except the object of their desires. Then, when the glasses fall off, and you are already married and family conflicts begin... and everything was so beautiful at first... The mistake of choosing a love partner is also a pitfall. It's a blind choice, Russian roulette. Therefore, you should not rush into getting married in the first year of dating. But there’s no point in delaying it either. If after a year you are confident in your choice and there are no doubts, then you should start a family and fill it with Love. Love is joint development with a partner. This!