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All the diseases of our femininity originate from our family. It is there that they receive the first prerequisites for the development of painful “mutations” in our part of personality under the beautiful name of Femininity. We are born with you and grow up in the family of our parents, they raise us and teach us to fulfill those social roles that they themselves have learned and in the way they have learned it. As you understand, your parents learned from their parents. Naturally, this was not always ideal; all our parental and ancestral families carry their own “wormholes” and their “mutations.” So it turns out that if the parents are wise and mature enough, then they perceive their daughter in childhood as a child, and when the girl grows up and becomes a young girl, then the attitude towards her in the family changes. But this only happens if parents are ready to see in their daughter an independent young woman and recognize her right to have her own personal needs, her own way of thinking, her own way of acting and living in this world. If the parents are wise, then they internally agree that their child has grown up and it’s time for him to look for yourself, your chosen one and build your family. The mother of a young girl plays a huge role here. It is she who is able to convey to her daughter all the experience of her life baggage, because in any case, the experience of an older woman is at least greater than the experience of a young woman. This is where various incidents happen that can provoke a disease of femininity. One of these incidents is female competition. For the daughter blossoms, and the mother fades at this moment... It happens, oh, how difficult it is for a mother to accept the process of her aging, because not all of us are wise and patient, and sometimes it seems unfair to an aging woman that her body, face, figure undergo such age-related changes .And then unconscious competition for her daughter awakens in the mother, some unconscious envy appears, often expressed in the phrases: “If only I were your age, I could do so much!” And there will also be constant nagging of the mother towards her daughter, often unfounded and very offensive, will disappear mutual understanding, but conflict will arise. It turns out that instead of help and support, the daughter encounters unconscious rejection from her mother. In this case, a young woman may feel differently about herself: 1. She may feel guilty before her mother, try to close herself off and not show her youth and beauty. 2. A girl can be provocative, shocking, or enter into an irreconcilable conflict with her mother. In any case, this will be a kind of betrayal of oneself, which will cause painful “mutations” of femininity. In another case, the mother herself may have a lack of experience regarding how to show her femininity and how to be feminine. Therefore, the mother consciously and unconsciously transmits to her daughter only what she has and can do. And then it sounds: “Happiness for a woman is her children” “The main thing is to be independent from a man!” “All men are selfish!” etc. A young girl begins to firmly believe in this and begins to strictly adhere to these painful paradigms, completely unaware of what they will lead her to in the future. So it turns out that if our mothers themselves have feminine wisdom, then they teach us, their daughters, to move from the stage of a daughter to the stage of a woman, young and beautiful, who independently chooses her spouse, who has her own needs, values ​​and goals. But if our mothers themselves had the wrong experience of continuity and development of their femininity, then we, their daughters, are in danger of forever playing the role of an “eternal girl”, a “naive fool”, a “hunter” who often changes her partners, or a “blue stocking”, “workaholic”, “good auntie”, running away from relationships with men, and completely dissolving in someone or something (work, relatives, other people’s children, animal protection, saving the children of Zimbabwe, etc.). However, not everything is lost for us, our daughters! There is the experience of other women whom we meet quite often in our lives - these are our aunts, neighbors, acquaintances, etc..