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From the author: How to quickly restore yourself after trouble, illness... The work of a wizard (and a psychologist, accordingly) requires a constant “energy cyclone” in the human body. So that this cyclone does not bring destruction - like a hurricane, but acts constantly, in dynamics - giving energy force - increasing its power and decreasing its speed, which must be periodically “turned off” or slowed down (according to the nature of the work), I think a lot depends on the following factors that I will outline below: - this is a rational and balanced diet, one that replenishes the body’s energy costs, with intensive use (loss) of energy; - this is the intake of herbal teas, special water infusions, where the structure of the water is “living”, or it it is filled and activated by special slander on it, or it is “permeated” with overtone sounds that heal the water, or it is some kind of special (mixed) composition of liquid intake, selected for a person, but always at least 2.0 liters. per day; - these are necessarily water procedures: washing (wetting) areas of the body, wrapping (contrasting ones are good, with the addition of aromatic oils) - on the area of ​​​​the head, neck, chest (I recommend contrasting baths for hands and feet) with rubbing with a cloth; - this self-massage (or with the help of massagers, expanders) of those points in the body that are responsible for the lymphatic ducts, i.e. “accelerate the blood”, make the blood flow constantly moving, washing and healing; - these are breathing exercises that enrich the hematopoietic system with oxygen; - these are physical exercises that contribute, first of all, to the correct traction (stretching) of the spine and the movement of each joint in the body, strengthening it in movement through muscle training; - this is necessarily a good sleep, day rest; or as a last resort - gymnastics for the eyes, relaxation (or meditation) - to rest the brain; - these are throat exercises, singing certain sounds, words with emphasis on stressed vowels - training the muscles of the vestibular and speech apparatus; - these are full-fledged walks in the air, if any possibility - running exercises, as a last resort - strength exercises on the balcony, veranda, terrace. From all of the above, it is advisable to draw up a work plan for the day, and especially to sketch it out in the evening, then YOU already understand from what sources you will draw your energy the next day... I would like to wish everyone a meaningful reading of this topic and think through what I write - about each of us - is precisely the WISHING TO PAY ATTENTION to our own health, since when working with such difficult energies - such as evil, bad luck, failure, fear, etc. "psychological wedges" - PERSONAL ENERGY of a specialist - must be absolutely healthy and as pure as glass (or plexiglass) in order to pass through all the “energy dirt” without absorbing it into yourself, and this is necessary to learn and train YOURSELF, ACCIDENT YOURSELF to order and respect for your body, through health - personal, your ...I tell my Spirit - this is all obvious and everyday, but YOU _MY SPIRIT - watch over my health, like a CHAIN ​​DOG, and force me to go over each point and NOTE FOR MYSELF: ENERGY IS ONLY USEFUL AND HEALTHIERS ME, WHEN EVERYTHING IS GOING IN HARMONY AND MODE, evenly, in the SOUL - true and calm!!! and with my discipline towards MYSELF - I OPEN THE WAY TO HEALTH for others, it may be hard work, long - BUT ONE HUNDRED PERCENT USEFUL, first of all for ME - MYSELF!!! In perseverance and work - THERE IS A SEA OF ENERGY... - they GRIND EVERYTHING, and SELF-LOVE WILL GIVE!!!