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Scientific research shows that seven psychological forces help a person realize plans in work and personal life: *Ladder. They usually say that anyone can succeed, you just need to imagine your dream. But just dreaming is not enough; it will not help you get through the daily trials on the way to your plans. It would be nice to divide your dream into goals, and take small steps for each goal. Find the first right step. Invest energy. And then evaluate your result. And take one more step. With every new step you take, your confidence will begin to grow. This is the power of the ladder. It is also very important to decide for yourself what exactly a small step will be, it is different for everyone. It would be good to spend up to three days on one step. Achieving success in small steps makes people happier and increases motivation to continue working, dopamine is released. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of new actions. *Community. A community is a group of people united by something in common. It’s always easier to go to a workout with a friend, and it’s even better when you’ve already made friends with several people who also want, for example, to lose weight. And then you can share your results, discuss your nutrition program, training, etc. The sense of community, the understanding that you are not the only one with such a problem give you the strength to move on. *Importance: What makes people keep doing something? The importance of this matter is for them. A person wants to stop eating cakes, but he can’t, because the taste of cakes today is more important than giving them up. Scientists say that people are most motivated by money, relationships and health, as well as photos of them in 20 years) ).And if you haven't been able to stick to something in the past, it doesn't mean you're doomed to failure, it just wasn't important to you before. *Ease: People want things to be simple. Easy things bring pleasure and encourage you to continue. And, if you want to lose weight, it is easier to lose weight when there are no forbidden foods at home. Or when you know for sure that you already have a clear plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is also better to sign up for a gym closer to home, etc. In general, if it is difficult to stick to something, remove as much as possible everything that interferes with it. *Action.Changes in behavior are usually thought to begin in the mind. But this doesn't always work. And if you first adjust your behavior a little, and again, and again, then the person’s perception of himself changes. It turns out that he is no longer the one who quits halfway, but the one who was able, for example, to concentrate on work for a month without being distracted. He no longer perceives himself as a failure and, accordingly, has every chance of succeeding. *Enthralling.The activity should be captivating and interesting in itself. External incentives are good up to a point. And genuine inner interest decides a lot. *Habit. Repeating the same actions over and over becomes a habit. We do a lot unconsciously, since there is no longer a need to keep these actions in consciousness. That's why, if you do something useful for a while, these actions will also become habitual and stick. The article is based on the book “Habits for Life” by Sean Young