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Everyone understands what success is in their own way. For one it’s a wonderful family, for another it’s a lot of money, someone needs to make a career or find Noah’s Ark. In general, everyone knows what they are striving for. And he really wants to achieve this goal. Why doesn't everyone succeed? What prevents you from reaching the finish line? Factor "X" Of course, success depends on many components - here are innate abilities, and character, and developed intuition, and luck, which is not It is given to us to grab the cowlick. But there is also an “unaccounted factor”: hereditary programs that work inside us. Probably, there is no need to remind that not only the shape of the nose or nose is passed on to us from our ancestors. not to be overweight, but also to some life scenarios that everyone will have to play out in their own fate. That is, we must try to adequately prove ourselves in situations in which our grandmother or one of our great-grandfathers was once defeated. In other words, correct their mistakes. And until we do this, all sorts of confusion, difficulties and problems will continue to arise in our lives. How do these negative inherited programs appear? Vaccination against success Let's look at the example of one of the most common - the so-called success vaccination. Let's assume your grandfather has reached considerable heights in his business. It was a disgusting time, a cult of personality, so that grandfather at the very pinnacle of fame was picked up, detained and taken away “without the right to correspond.” The tragic story, unfortunately, is more than typical I am for our country. How will this affect you, grandson? Look: on the one hand, you inherit the ability to achieve a goal. On the other hand, it is in the subconscious: at the very top there is a trap, it is inevitable! And the subconscious, designed to protect you from troubles, protect you from dangers, halfway to success will make you slide down. You will make the wrong decision, rely on a person who will let you down, and not take into account the circumstances. Oh, the subconscious has a lot of opportunities to implement the laid down program - and be sure: it will fulfill its task, it will protect you from luck one hundred percent, to which you are striving! It is quite possible that no grandfather reached a high position and was not repressed. But there was a great-grandmother in the family who almost died because of unhappy love: on the eve of the wedding, the groom left for someone else, changed his mind, became a monk... She, poor thing, will give posterity another protective program: beware of fulfilling your dreams, this will inevitably be followed by tragedy! You didn’t even think about marriage, the meaning of your life is in business - that’s where grandma will save you from good luck... By the way, we don’t mention grandparents for the sake of it. It has been proven that most often life scenarios are passed on through generations - from grandfathers to grandchildren. And only a specialist can figure out which ancestor “tricked you.” However, if you know the history of your family well, try to remember the main life milestones of your ancestors - you may be able to find a “benefactor” yourself. Why is this necessary? If you manage to determine whose rules you are playing by, the main thing will become clear: what obstacles will stand in your way, what shortcomings you should pay special attention to. Unfortunately, the program code-named “vaccination against success” does not exhaust the list of “genetic viruses”. Of course, we won’t be able to list all the items on this sad list, but let’s talk about the most common ones. In second place on this “hit parade” is the victim program. But in our country it turned out to be especially tenacious, since it is supported by both the Orthodox mentality and events history of the twentieth century. Remember the series of upheavals: civil war, collectivization, repression, the Great Patriotic War... How many people were “destroyed”, how many widows, orphans, disabled people And how many women who lost their breadwinner found themselves with a baby in their arms! Some took what happened as a given. No matter how bitterly they experienced their tragedy, they did not give up on life, on themselves, onThey forbade themselves to be happy. Others, reluctantly, decided to sacrifice themselves. No personal life, no favorite job, much less entertainment and other “excesses”! They did not complain, and, by and large, accomplished many years of tireless feat. But the fact of making a great sacrifice was cemented in their consciousness - and the greater the sacrifice, the more meaning their lives were filled with. This is exactly what they passed on to their children and grandchildren: the only worthy path is to give up oneself in the name of a great goal. It’s hard to imagine how hard it is for people with such an “inheritance.” “How little joy they have. There is only one thing that justifies their existence and allows them to respect themselves: the feeling that they were not afraid to sacrifice their dearest for the sake of someone or something. To whom or what the sacrifice was made is completely unimportant. This could be the building of communism, a religious idea, an elderly grandmother, work, friendship... It is significantly different: in the name of a certain goal, a person consciously forbids allows himself to be happy, closes in front of himself exactly those doors that he especially wants to enter. Like everything does this look like in reality? There are a lot of options. Here is a woman who has been trying to cure her husband of alcoholism for twenty years to no avail. What hasn’t she tried! She took her to doctors, and to old healers, and bought new-fangled medicines for crazy amounts of money... The result was zero. It would seem that after so many years you can be sure that you will not win this war - and find another life partner, and most importantly - another sphere of application of strength. But she doesn’t need any other life! After all, only in these conditions does she receive the main thing: she can accomplish a chronic feat with a calm soul. Be sure: not only will she not leave her alcoholic, but she will not allow him to be cured. For the same reason, single mothers fall into deep depression when their children grow up and set off on an independent voyage. The feat is over - but life goes on. Why? What should I do with her? Whom should I serve and make sacrifices?..It’s a big bummer.”...My grandfather died long before I was born, so I only know about him from stories. He was an extremely businesslike and successful man: the owner of a luxurious shoe store in the very center of Moscow, on the Kuznetsky Most. Then, as you understand, a revolution happened. My great-grandfather lost everything: not just a store - the meaning of life disappeared. There was nothing to strive for, moreover, in order to survive, one had to “hide” - become quieter than water, lower than the grass. Which is what he did...” This is the story of one of my patients. A smart, beautiful, talented girl is in despair: life is boring, meaningless, there is no future. The same is not possible to do not have a lot of meters: Libe is an intelligence to a love of love, having a fiddle -to -have -to -go The same. It is noteworthy that neither in childhood nor in adolescence there were any psychological traumas that would have instilled in her such a fear of life. Where does this refusal from any attachments, from any goal come from? You probably already guessed: the grandfather is “to blame.” Having once suffered a wreck, he decided: the only salvation from disappointment is not to be enchanted. As in the famous song: “If you don’t have a house, it’s not afraid of fires, and your wife won’t leave for someone else if you don’t have a wife.” It was precisely this attitude that he passed on to the next generations - and until you change it, no one and nothing will teach your great-granddaughter to enjoy life. Trying to avoid any defeats and disappointments, she implements a subconscious program of giving up the goal. Farewell to ancestors As we have already said, these are very common programs, which does not mean at all that everyone who discovers a “virus” must immediately and at any cost destroy it. Not at all! Millions live “according to the behests of their ancestors” and feel quite comfortable. Most likely, in these cases, the program laid down by the ancestors is completely consistent with the internal aspirations of the individual. And to your health. If you are not satisfied with this situation, if the article touched a nerve, then you are dancing to your grandfather’s tune against your own will. Change!