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Destiny is often perceived as something given from above, and finding purpose means unraveling this meaning invested by someone in our existence. The prefix “pre-” also hints at the fact that something has already been determined and assigned. For seekers of purpose, spontaneous life seems devoid of meaning. But if you do something from the prescribed mission, then well done, then you can just sit, for example, hammer nails into a wooden block and experience true embodiment. Such a desire for approval from someone above has roots in childhood experience, when it was possible to receive the love of parents only by deserving it. Another desire to find purpose is the desire to share responsibility for one’s choices with someone. This is where the fascination with astrological and other destiny originates. Undoubtedly, drawing up personal birth charts and analyzing personal qualities according to various systems is beneficial, and the activity of researching approaches to understanding the world, be it science or esotericism, is worthy of respect, because the line between them is periodically erased. But I would like to note the role of a person’s Will in his choice and responsibility. A person’s purpose is also to manifest his Will, because it is also given to a person. Finding your purpose means starting to feel in your place, taking actions out of deep conviction and desire, being open and perceiving, connected to the world and people. Not all destinations look tempting. We know from history many unenviable fates. But at the same time, it is felt that people lived in accordance with their destiny. In psychology there is the concept of the Self (according to Jung) or also called self. They also talk about the true Self, the Divine essence. There are phrases such as “what the soul wants”, “providence leads”. Finding your purpose means first of all separating other people’s voices from your own. The first step can be practice, which can be done using an alarm clock. Three times a day, try to answer yourself the question “How should I feel now??»