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You can often hear from people: “I’m depressed,” or “my child is depressed again.” They talk about this, as a rule, without attaching much importance. Meanwhile, depression, including teenage depression, is a serious mental illness. More than one scientific work can be devoted to him. Due to the erroneous opinion about depression, several myths about it have arisen. The myths that I will tell you about today relate specifically to teenagers. The first myth says that don’t feed teenagers bread, let them suffer, so all older schoolchildren and junior students are susceptible to depression. Of course, being teenagers is still a pleasure. Sometimes it is very difficult for them. Yes, some puberty people experience a feeling of melancholy, but many manage to cope with it. They try to somehow give balance to their inner feelings: they devote time to friends, school progress, and do other interesting things, including self-development. Of course, pubescents can change their mood for the worse, they are sad, and sometimes they can lose their temper, but this is not This means that they have depression. This disease destroys the personality of a grown-up child. It causes feelings of sadness, anger or despair. And they are difficult to overcome. The second myth claims that you can always understand when a person is feeling bad, which means it is not difficult to recognize teenage depression. This is not entirely true. It is not at all easy to distinguish between moodiness and depression. After all, not all puberty sufferers are in a depressed, sad state. They sometimes get angry and even furious. But if suddenly the parents have doubts, it seemed to them that the teenager was showing bad signs of depression, they cannot understand whether this is normal behavior for this period, then it would not be amiss to think and ask themselves a few questions. How long ago did the symptoms appear? How much has the child’s behavior changed? The third myth concerns the difference between adult depression and teenage depression. They are believed to be similar. Is this true? In fact, there are differences. In teenage depression, symptoms of irritability and anger, incomprehensible pain, excessive sensitivity to criticism, a tendency to maintain selected contacts are often encountered, that is, isolation is present, but not everyone avoids puberty. “Depressed teenagers have a melancholic mood and difficulties in communicating with family” - says the fourth myth. As I already said, puberty already has conflicts with loved ones. After all, they are trying to take a place in life. The mood often changes colors, sometimes melancholic, but that it is depression is far from a fact. The fifth myth, in my opinion, is quite dangerous. He says: “let’s not pay attention to anything, let’s pretend that we have complete order, then everything will fall away and go away by itself.” You need to talk to teenagers, talk about your own experiences, feelings, difficulties, support them in difficult times. them periods, even if they wave away help. This is important in any case, whether puberty is depressed or not. It’s just that when you get sick, you need a completely different approach, different help. Subscribe to my VKontakte community and get a bonus: the meditative practice “Shamatha”. Calm your mind and find inner peace! https://vk.com/app5898182_-224026628#u=1791044&s=2609310