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From the author: The article was published on the website of the Psychological Center Gestalt-R. If you have been in the role of a manager, you have probably encountered sabotage, laziness and lack of commitment from subordinates. Evil takes over, fists clench, you want to tear and throw!!! And immediately you give up, because when you yell, you let off steam, but things are still there. Moreover, in the smoking rooms you can hear angry whispers about “the boss is a goat” or “the boss is a witch.” And what to do? The answer is simple - ask questions. - How? - you ask... Let's try it in a way that you may not have done before. Coach style. So, let's go.1. How are you? What is the current situation? These questions are needed to feel what emotions the person came with. At the same time, he can relieve tension by saying “Everything is terrible...”, for example. At the same time, we show sincere interest in him as a Person, and not a “pawn,” and we scan the field around him, what’s happening there. And in the field there may be a sick child, a mother or father, a divorce from a spouse, the arrival of children, weddings, etc. Anything that can take a lot of work energy from an employee. Did you find out? Please note, this may be an obstacle to completing tasks (see below). And now to the point -2. How do you assess the state of project N? Do you expect the employee to say what and how. If he evades, ask for specific numbers and facts. If the situation is not good, then he will purse his lips and mutter answers. The main thing here is to stop yourself, without reaching the “boiling point.” After all, the manager’s task is not to do everything himself, but to organize and do it with the hands of others (read – employees). If you get angry, the employee will quickly fold his paws. 3. What do you think about this? A banal but working formula works here - alternating “facts - attitude towards them, facts - attitude towards them, etc.” It is important not to switch to evaluating the employee’s actions, but to let him evaluate the situation himself , for each fact. This way he can not only talk about his experiences, but also evaluate himself. And this, according to the psychology of manipulation, works as taking responsibility. Let’s go further: 4. What do you attribute such results to? Oooh! - now you will be shown a completely different view of the problem from yours! By the way, it is appropriate to say not “why?” - this is a question for confrontation (“By the head”), but “what is connected with.” Although in our mentality it is often perceived as one and the same. Yes, this is where mom and dad, children, relatives, etc. can come out. Again, don’t get angry, keep asking. I’ll tell you a little secret - in fact, it’s not so important to us what caused it and what the employee can say. The main thing is that he sees prospects. Which means the next question is -5. What can this lead to? This is where the employee becomes aware of the consequences of his actions (or inactions). By the way, you can immediately test for adequacy - whether you see the consequences of your actions or not. 6. What are you planning to do to correct the situation? This is a turning point in the conversation. In the psychology of manipulation, it is known that a person avoids doing something that he was told to do, and, conversely, in most cases, does what he himself said. 7. How do you plan to achieve this? Let him name the tools, actions that will lead him to success. If he sees you as an expert, he will be more willing to talk about his plans; if not, then less so. 8. What will you consider the result? Check how adequately he imagines the result. On the other hand, it is possible to determine that the result has been achieved by indirect signs. What if you didn’t take this into account, but your employee did? 9. What resources (opportunities) do you have? And immediately 10. What help do you need and from whom? Aha! Now let him try to get out of it, and then say - “But no one helped me!” 11. What obstacles do you think might arise? Or what might hinder you? You may not have taken into account all the obstacles to your employee's task completion.12. What control points will you designate to know that everything is.