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From the author: The article was written based on the materials of the training “Happy Thinking” and published on the website www.treningi.me 01/10/2011 When I was a little girl, I was always surprised by adults who wished for a friend on all holidays happiness to a friend. It would be nice if we wished for toys, more candy, good friends, to go with our parents to the amusement park... Happiness is nothing, I thought when I was 16 years old. There is, of course, a feeling of happiness, but it is so short-lived that you need to wish for something more essential! Love, for example, pleasant surprises! How happy I am! I thought at the age of 30, waking up at night from the screams of my daughter and son and not knowing who to calm down first. The topic of happiness often comes up in my professional work. -I don't feel happy. Unless suddenly something good happens unexpectedly. But the feeling of happiness comes only for 5 minutes, and then I feel unhappy again. My desire, which I would like to work on, is to feel happiness,” says Marina at the training, who last weekend visited Prague with her child and nanny, who was brought to the training by her personal driver. And my husband, despite all the stories about the role of a housewife in the life of a rich man, carries him in his arms. “And I’m happy,” says Yulia. Very! I have four wonderful children, we live with my parents, who help me with the children, in a 1-room apartment. Recently I managed to find a good job as a sales assistant in a children's store and now in the summer we will all go to the sea for the first time. No, my goal for next year is not to buy an apartment. Two of our dads have already run away from us and I would like to find a third! Then he laughs so hard that he infects the whole group with laughter. Because she, perhaps, looks the happiest of those gathered.4. Today, work on your happiness4.1. First, determine what you need to be happy. For some, this is a large loving family and a country house, for some, a mind-blowing career and a Lexus, for others, their own business and a beautiful woman nearby... Determine the parameters of your happiness. Remember that being happy is also a goal. And in order to achieve the goal, you need to see it, know it. Determine for yourself what your happiness consists of. The more parameters and characteristics you find, the clearer your goal will be and the easier the path to it. Make it a rule to periodically check your list, and as you implement it, cross something off and add something. See how much of this list you implement in your life. If you realize little, then what is stopping you? Check how you can do what brings you joy. Maybe for the sake of this you will have to give up some boring and uninteresting things. Change your lifestyle? Or thoughts? If you can’t decide, remember yourself as a child. What brought you happiness? What were you aiming for? What did you want? What did you dream about? and start with the first items on your list.4.2. Make a List of actions to achieve your happiness. Every day, implement those goals whose achievement makes you happy. Let it be in small steps, but do it. Every day, remove or change the obstacles that stand in the way of happiness. As someone great said: Move towards your dreams. Make your dream come true! Go to her! Can't go to her? Crawl to her! Can't crawl to her? Lie down and lie in the direction of your dreams! Start right now! When vacation comes2. When a friend agrees to help3. When will I receive additional education4. When I save enough money5. When I feel ready6. When inspiration strikes7. When I read this book8. When will I buy a new computer9. When I finish my dissertation10. When they get me11. When I understand what I want12. When I win a million13. When the children grow up14. When I see Sign 15. When I graduate from college16. When I find the right person17. When will the economic crisis end? When I figure myself out19. When I quit 20. When the chimes strike 21. When I get older22. When an opportunity presents itself23. When will it changefinancial situation24. When I discover my calling25. When will they understand me26. When I deal with the current problems27. When I improve my health28. When the crisis comes29. When I finish the courses for achievers30. When will I find a business partner31. When recognition comes32. When will I move33. When I understand that this can’t go on any longer34. When everyone leaves me alone35. When I make a plan36. When will I improve my personal life37. When will I receive a loan38. When I retire39. When I read this site40. Someday...When will you implement what makes you happy? 5. Be grateful to yourself (you are great! Just think: you were born, raised, achieved so much!), Life, the Universe, God, Other people. Be grateful for what you have. For what is not there and can be achieved, for the lessons that they give you, for the opportunities, even sometimes in the guise of trouble. Once upon a time there lived a guru, a wise and holy man. He always gathered his disciples under a palm tree on the ocean shore. It was the only palm tree on this shore. Every evening he came and taught to people who wanted to listen to him. He taught them how to live in this world, how to accept the obstacles and troubles of this world, how to accept the joys and sorrows of this world, and what a person should do at the same time. This old teacher gathered his students every evening and what - he told them under this palm tree, until one fine day one of his students raised his head up and saw that at the top of this palm tree there was a huge stone. He was very interested in this. He wanted to know who could climb to the very top and place this huge stone there. He asked his guru: “Teacher!” Why is there a stone on this palm tree? When he asked this question, his guru began to cry. Tears flowed from his eyes in streams. Then he said: “This stone and this palm tree changed my life.” He began to tell: “When I was a young man, like any young man, I was ambitious, I thought about what I would achieve in my life, what great achievements I would achieve.” I will achieve it. At the same time, ambition is always accompanied by envy. I was jealous of others who achieved something in their lives. I was jealous of everything that was around me. To everyone who grew up with me and tried to achieve something. I stored up black envy in my heart. At that time there was a whole forest of palm trees on this shore, I came here to the ocean shore. And then I saw this palm tree, which at that time was very young, like me. This palm tree grew upward very powerfully, and every day, when I came to the shore, I saw how it straightened its chest, its shoulders. And one day I thought: “Why is she growing? What does she think about herself?” I decided to stop her. I found a huge stone and placed it on top of this palm tree so that it would no longer grow, so that it would not pretend to be God knows what. Years passed. I left for the city. In the city I met many people and many misfortunes. In the city I tried to prove to everyone that I was the smartest, the best, the most beautiful. Nobody believed it. They beat me from all sides, I fought back. Beaten down, after many, many years, I returned to my village. Beaten down, but never wiser. When I returned to my village, I came to the ocean shore, and I did not see a single palm tree. I returned to the village and asked what happened. People told me that a few years ago there was a huge hurricane that destroyed all the houses and uprooted all the palm trees. Only one palm tree survived, which turned out to have very deep roots. She remained on this shore, all the others were uprooted by the hurricane. A palm tree on which someone placed a large stone on top. I ran to the palm tree and saw the very one that I had once envied, and which I wanted to interfere with by placing a huge stone on top of it. This palm tree became very tall, and on top of it lay that huge stone. I stood under this palm tree, and at that moment I heard her voice. Under the rustle of her leaves, she said: Thank you very much! When you put on.