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Do you want to save someone? Are you currently or perhaps developing a plan of salvation and this is happening repeatedly in your life? Do you have rescuer syndrome? Moreover, you are now in very difficult circumstances that require urgent decisions, and this situation seems to have slowed you down... and someone else needs to be saved. What should you do? Imagine this situation: let’s call it “Bridge” - and this is a parable Pictured is the mountain "Monk" Once upon a time there was a dreamer who thought a lot about what he wanted from life, he managed to save someone more than once in the mountains, he survived many trials. He experimented in life and had both successes and failures. Finally, he began to see clearly where he wanted to go and outlined for himself a peak that he would like to climb. This was the last opportunity to change something in life. The dreamer began his journey. With every step he wanted to move faster, with every thought of his goal his heart beat faster, with every vision of what lay ahead, he gained new strength. The strength and inspiration that had left him from his early youth returned, and desires, all kinds of desires and the opportunity to save himself and his confused life. He came across a suspension bridge passing over the gorge. A man walked towards him who was dressed the same as him, but that something was tied around his waist and he saw that he had a rope on his belt. The stranger began to unwind the rope, and when he came closer, he said: “Excuse me, would you be so kind as to hold the end of the rope for a moment?” The dreamer agreed without hesitation, extended his hand and took the rope. “Thank you,” said the other and asked him to hold the rope. stronger with both hands and then quickly jumped off the bridge. The Dreamer suddenly felt the tension and was almost pulled down over the bridge into the gorge, but he managed to hold on and save himself, he succeeded. “What are you trying to do?” he shouted to the other - Just hold me tight - said the other - This is madness. How to save him and get him out - the dreamer thought and began to try to pull the other back, but the bridge was narrow, swayed and nothing worked - Remember - said the other - if you let me go, I will fall into the river - But I can’t pull you out and why “You jumped there,” the dreamer shouted. “If you let me go, I’ll fall,” the other one repeated. The dreamer began to look around for help. But there was no one. Save him or yourself? A terrible choice had to be made. - What do you want? “he asked the other one hanging below. “Only so that you hold me,” the other answered. “Now listen,” he shouted down. - I think I know how to save you and told you how. But the other one was not interested in the plan and just continued to hang. The dreamer shouted to the one below - I just want to say that it depends on you. It's up to you to decide how it ends. I will become a counterweight. And we can only save you together. You wrap the rope around your waist and pull yourself up, and I’ll pull a little from here or I won’t hold the rope for long. “You can’t do that,” the other yelled, “you’re selfish and you have to save me.” What could be so important to you that you would let me fall? The dreamer waited, the rope slipped out of his hands, his strength was gone, there was no help and there would be no help, but the other didn’t want to do anything and continued to hang. “I accept your choice,” said the dreamer and the rope finally slipped out of his hands, since he couldn’t take it anymore hold *The one who was hanging on the rope fell into a mountain stream and remained alive, since the rope turned out to be long enough and he was lucky. What happened to the dreamer? Question: What if someone gave you the end of the rope and he jumped into the unknown? And this someone doesn’t want to be saved and puts the responsibility for his life into your hands? And who is this oncoming person on the bridge with a rope for you? Who doesn't want to be saved? What to do when you have to make a difficult choice? Save someone else? Save yourself? Or come to an agreement with others and find common solutions? Online Psychologist on Whatsapp: +7 965 101 7073 We can go through part of the difficult path of life.