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From the author: This material was published on the author’s website “Demyanova Science” ExtremesTo fall to extremes. Go to the extreme. To rush from one extreme to another - these are the expressions that we associate with an unfavorable solution to the issue. Here is what the well-known dictionary says about this concept: Explanatory Dictionary, ed. S.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu.Shvedova EXTREME, -i, f. 1. An extreme degree of something, an excessive manifestation of something. To rush from one extreme to another, to move (about obvious inconsistency in decisions, actions; disapproved). The character combines two extremes. Extremes meet (about people of different characters). 2. Difficult, difficult situation, need. Go to the last extreme. In extremes, no one. * To the extreme (colloquial) - very, extremely. Extremely tired. To drive someone to extremes (colloquial) - to drive someone crazy. At the very least (simple) - at least. Let's look at EXTREME from the other side. Maybe we can get some benefit from this condition? First, a few Aphorisms: Kings and servants are called only by their first name, and not by their last name. These are the two extreme steps of the social ladder. Arthur Schopenhauer Moderation is a fatal property. Only extremes lead to success. Oscar Wilde Let the sages say whatever they want, but you can get rid of one extreme only by falling into the other. Philip Chesterfield Extremes meet - often before the altar. Alexander Kumor And there is also an expression: Everything is known by comparison. Imagine life where there are no contrasts or extremes. We don't have a white stripe and a black stripe. Only the color always and in everything is white - what we all dream about! Although white is also an extreme color. But gray somehow doesn’t quite suit us! So we live happily all the time! Everything we wish well will come true! And not only for us, but for all people on the planet! Have you ever thought that our whole life will be completely different from the existing one? And then we will have to change our thinking. And ways of perceiving yourself and the surrounding reality! We will live in a completely different world... Which one? Perhaps someone will answer this question?! In the meantime, starting with the elementary particles that make up our world, much is based on opposites: - everyone knows that unlike charges attract. And in human relationships everything is known by comparison. How do we know the true state of happiness? Only when we hear, or better yet, feel the other side of it! How many people, in our opinion and from our true state of affairs, should be happy, but for some reason they don’t feel like that?! They didn’t see the other side, they weren’t in our condition. For some, the dream is money! But how many rich people experience happiness? Especially those who have never been poor. Do they not rush to even greater extremes, wanting to experience increasingly contrasting sensations? Many die like this, for example from drugs! And those who are lonely and dream of a big family? Does he know that there are people living in very large families who dream of being alone in silence for at least a moment and enjoying their thoughts and fulfilling their desires?! Or maybe you have met people complaining about their poverty with a refrigerator full of food? Did they experience real hunger? Everything is known by comparison! So in religious teachings, in order to come to spiritual satisfaction, it is necessary to pass the test of need. Many people, for their state of balance and spiritual happiness, turn to religion after life's upheavals. Others are specifically tested in order to understand the true values ​​of life! How do we raise our self-esteem? Only on the basis of comparisonTo really understand what we need, what is good for us and what is bad, we need to experience, compare, and the best lesson is given only from our own experience. Let this experience, on the side of its negative extreme, be experienced by you not in reality, but rather in the imagination. Special psychotherapeutic methods help to appreciate life and its meanings well. And without positive extremes, the world would generally stand still!!