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From the author: The article reveals the main essence of the book “Cafe at the End of the Earth” by John P. Strelecki as a recommendation for reading. On the eve of the holiday, each of us wants to forget everything bad and open a page of the new years with rosy thoughts and the belief that your innermost desires will definitely come true. We, like little children, do not lose hope and set goals to achieve. However, everyone doubts something, and some even have fears and obsessive thoughts, and this comes from the fact that we are already adults and understand that not everything is so simple in our lives. This state leads people to soul-searching, which does not always end in a breakthrough, but on the contrary, can lead a person into a state of depression. It turns out that in order to be happy, you just need to understand what is significant to you and what is missing before full realization. In this case, you can see the purpose of life and move towards it, every day getting closer to realizing your dream. This happened with the hero of the book “Cafe at the End of the Earth” or “How to Stop Going with the Flow and Remember Why You Live,” written by coach John P. Streleki. The main character of this story, John, in the routine of everyday days finally came to thoughts that work, life, communication and worries are of the same nature, are carried out on autopilot and in uniformity. As a result, every day is similar to the previous one. Everyday routine becomes chaos, as it puts emotional pressure on a man with its monotony. As a result, John decides to go on a trip. For the reader, this is presented as a desire to break out of a state of monotony in search of something new. At the same time, I formed the opinion that he did not understand, and most importantly, did not realize, did not comprehend why he needed this little trip. It’s like in life when a client comes to a consultation and says: “I can’t do this anymore! Help me become happy!” which means he came out of despair, not understanding the real request. Therefore, he does not realize that it is possible to get out of it only if he understands what the true problem is and what role this very person played in its outcome. Only a great desire to change leads to transforming his life for the better. So John escapes from the city and gets stuck in a traffic jam on an unfamiliar highway. And here is the first test - there is no turning back and you have to wait resignedly for the problems to be fixed and the entire stream of cars to rush in this direction. However, for the first time he admits that although there is no way back and you cannot get around the traffic jam, you can no longer stand still, you need to act. He turns the car 360 degrees and drives along an unfamiliar area - just so as not to get stuck here for a long time, but as he drives he realizes that the Internet stops working, which means that the navigator does not work either, that there are no identification marks and settlements, there are no other cars on the highway and people. It looks like some kind of path to nowhere... And now, it would seem, at the end of the earth, when it is already dark outside the window, gasoline is running out, John sees a lonely lantern that illuminates a small cafe by the road with the strange name “Why are you here?” The strangeness does not end there, everything is striking in a man’s usual idea of ​​life - cafe workers in the form of philosophers and gurus, visitors who are, in fact, practicing psychologists, and even a menu with unusual inscriptions for reflection. On its title it says “Before you start ordering food, answer the questions: “Why are you here?”, “Are you afraid of death?”, “Are you satisfied?” I recommend that you read this book to the end so that determine your own path and answer the questions together with the hero: “Who am I?”, “Where am I going?”, “Am I happy?” Remember what you are striving for, be realistic, but think positively! I wish you success in achieving balance with yourself and the world around you! Be happy in your own way! Your psychologist, Katerina Agafonova.