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Life is full of paradoxes. And there are many of them in the human psyche too. For example, we all want and strive for security, and this is normal. But the trouble is, there is no development in security. And a healthy psyche also strives for development. Tired of my job, the same tasks, bored, no prospects. But everything is clear and safe, changing is scary. The second paradox is that each person is completely unique. With its own unique set of genes, appearance and character traits. There is no other like you. But at the same time, we are all completely ordinary people, similar to each other in many ways and, thanks to this, we can understand each other. Often, we get similar experiences, but somehow we live them in a special way, and they are imprinted on us differently. In addition, our unique potential requires realization and manifestation. But if I have super expectations of my potential, then I fall to the other extreme, forgetting that I am an ordinary person. Ordinariness and uniqueness - it’s difficult to combine them in your head. The third paradox follows from the second. If I am so special, then I need special conditions. And I have special needs and a special, my personal, vector of development. Your biorhythms and desires. And I don’t want to adapt to those around me. But then I'm left alone. And if I begin to focus on those around me, my family, children, society, then I lose myself. I want to take care of children, because they need a mother, but then I don’t develop professionally. I want to go to work, but then I have no energy left for the children. You endlessly have to choose between your own needs and the needs of others. The logical question seems to be how to find the golden mean between security and development, commonality and uniqueness, personal and social needs. The answer is: through experience. To find any balance, you need to fall slightly, first into one polarity, then into the other. Reach those points on one side and the other when you understand that this is not suitable for you personally, and then a comfortable state will be somewhere in the middle between them.