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In my therapeutic practice, clients often come to us with various problems - from difficulties in family relationships to financial difficulties. However, we almost always find that there is a part of the personality that feels very lonely. She craves to be accepted and understood, to be in close contact with others, to share leisure time, values ​​and interests, and to receive support and help when needed. All these desires are rooted in our childhood. If we dig even deeper, it becomes obvious that we expect all this from mom and dad for our inner child. As we grow up, we begin to expect the same from our friends. Then from partners, and even from work, colleagues or clients. However, an important step on the path of self-development is the realization that no one but ourselves can give us all this. The idea that we ourselves are responsible for our own life and happiness evokes a range of feelings: more often indignation and hysteria, less often - feeling of liberation. We are pulled back into the belief that other people should satisfy our needs for love and attention. The external only reflects the internal. If you are your own closest and best friend, then it will be easy for others to give you the same. When the critic inside you does not subside, then outside you hear reproaches addressed to you. Truly loving yourself takes time, developing self-awareness, self-compassion, an honest look at yourself, and calm acceptance of your pros and cons. Practice self-love, dive into your inner world, explore it to find a beautiful connection with yourself. Start right now to train a new attitude towards yourself with the following exercise. Imagine looking through God's eyes at the world you have created. On land and sea. For every flower and pebble. For fish, birds and animals. Take a closer look at the cities. Somewhere in there you see yourself reading this article. Look at yourself through God's eyes. You are a perfect child. A wonderful creation. Living, real, feeling. You can see everything, nothing is hidden from you, but you still look at yourself with love and acceptance. Start looking at yourself with these eyes and very soon you will notice that the world has become kinder to you, relationships are deeper and more honest. Instead of looking for love and acceptance in the outside world, start looking for it within yourself. I accept online all over the world and in person in St. Petersburg. Sign up for consultations in private messages https://www.b17.ru/av_shaytanyuk/Or at https://t.me/sashashay