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When a question or some desire arises in your head, it means only one thing, you already know the answer or the ways to achieve it. You can drive away “impossible desires” from yourself, think about them with regret, worry, get upset, but these are just tricks of your consciousness. It, as usual, tries to calculate everything and build a logical chain, which, for now, “falls apart.” And if you consciously convince yourself that this is impossible, then you will never deceive the body. Internal tension is a sign that you have already subconsciously accepted the possibility of realizing your desires. Through physical sensations, surging emotions, even if they are doubts, fears, worries, the subconscious gives you a signal: Go! Explore! Look! It is possible! You will never worry about what is not available to you. For example, a person who is far from science will not be upset because he does not participate in the International Scientific Symposium, but a young scientist, on the contrary, will be worried and worried, because he subconsciously feels that he is missing out on a great opportunity to expand his knowledge and connections. In other words, the occurrence of emotional tension for certain desires indicates a 100% possibility of their fulfillment and the presence within you of a ready-made answer. But what to do if you urgently need to make a decision, make a choice, but the answer is buried so deep that “with a simple shovel it won’t you open it? Look for signs outside! Your task is to pull it out through associative connections. If you have never paid attention to an object, and then suddenly looked at it, and something responded inside, this will be a sign. It is important that there is a resonance between your question and what is outside. You will have the feeling that you have guessed, a clear thought or some image will arise. Be prepared that there will be no logical connection between the sign, it could be a line in a book, some object, a poster, the words of a passerby, and your request. Also, by reading the signs, you will not be able to deceive yourself. The response will come at a level that you do not consciously control. People with trained intuition no longer formulate their requests, but live in a constant flow of receiving the necessary information. They automatically read external cues and make amendments to their plans. Those who are not used to listening to themselves, but are ready to establish contact with the unconscious, need training. To do this, choose a situation that is not too stressful for you, but associated with choice. For example, what to give as a gift, where to go in the evening, where to start, etc. Formulate a question. It must be open. Close your eyes and imagine that you will now look for an answer in the outside world. Open your eyes very slowly and, just as slowly, with a defocused gaze, begin to look around you. If you are sitting, you may want to stand up. Begin to turn around very slowly. Don't look anywhere in particular and don't listen to anything in particular, just be here and now. Move slowly, walk until something knocks you out of this state. Maybe you will notice an object or hear something. This should cause an emotional outburst in you. If it is a thing, then you can come up and pick it up. Perhaps a certain image will emerge in connection with it. Take the thing that attracted your attention and slowly return. If you were sitting, sit down again. You need to position yourself in the same place where you started the technique. Look at the object, feel it, think about what this sign is about, what it communicates. If you understand the answer for yourself, then write it down and save it. If it's not clear, start again until you find a clue. Your task is to understand by association what this sign means, what the answer to your question is. Learn to give thanks. Place your hand on your chest, stroke yourself and say “thank you” to your unconscious, the world, the universe for helping you get the answer. Train yourself to praise yourself regularly, as well as after every contact with your inner self.!