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From the author: The article was published in Mytishchi and Korolev in the magazine "In the City", September, 2013. Her story is common, similar to the story of many women. Successful in society, beautiful, young. Married. My husband is looking for his own business. Hoping that over time her husband will find himself, the woman puts the entire burden of financial responsibility for their family on her shoulders. But the husband began to move away, and as a result he had another woman. In parallel with these events, doctors at a very reputable Moscow clinic discovered an “incurable” disease in a woman and offered her organ removal under the motto: “No organs - no disease.” A time and day were set for the operation. But the woman’s mother suddenly fell ill, she leaves for another city, where, quite by chance, she undergoes an examination at a simple local clinic. And what was her surprise when it turned out that she did not have this disease!!! She examined herself in several more clinics - the result was the same, she was healthy! “How can I go to doctors now? Where can I get treatment? If such well-known expensive medical centers have this approach? I paid them crazy amounts of money? Why? Why do they do this??? They could have removed completely healthy organs from me! I’m on them I'll take you to court!" - the woman commented on her life with a cry of despair. “I loved him, I did everything for him. Although deep down I knew that this was not right, I was angry with him and with myself... How many times did I want to stop sponsoring him. But I believed him! He said that only I could help him, that without me he would die, that it was very difficult for him and I was saving him!... I worked all day long. I forgot what rest was like! I didn’t go to get expensive orders! And what was the result? I supported him, but he had fun with my money! What should I do? What should I believe? So what is faith? It's no secret today that a person is not just a physical body. The body includes more finely organized parts of a Man - Soul, Heart, Mind, etc. And the more developed a Man is, the more capable parts he has. And the synthesis of all these parts is called Man. Faith is one of those parts. If we have attracted something into our lives and we don’t like it, it means we need to change our Faith. What did the woman believe? Her faith was purely material - to earn money by any means, to keep a partner by any means and to maintain health by any means. In such Faith there is no Father - Creator. Then exactly the same matter was attracted to her - without a Father, based on the laws of animal survival: whoever is smarter, more cunning and stronger survives. “What is inside, so is outside” is the law of Life. The faith that lives inside attracts conditions outside. It's simple. Nothing new - wisdom known for thousands of years. Then who should you be offended by? Are the medical workers and her husband to blame for the fact that they live with exactly the same internal content as hers? Are they to blame for reflecting to her what she believes in through their behavior? The woman believed that by encouraging parasitism, she would keep her husband near her and achieve his favor and gratitude. I believed that where it was very expensive and cool, there would be quality. But this faith does not express the Father. The Father is present where Man lives according to Human laws and Creates with his life - developing both himself and everything around him. In the woman’s appeal there is a question about the faith that she is looking for outside - in money, in another person, in authoritative doctors. Finding no confirmation of this faith there, she falls into despair. And she’s right - it’s very difficult to live without Vera. Faith is the Great Reason. Man's consciousness rests on his Faith. Consciousness forms Reason, which generates Truth. Without going through these stages, a person is incapacitated. He cannot control the processes of his life. And if he cannot control himself, then others control him, using him for their own purposes. Blind faith in her husband and in “cool” medicine gave rise to the knowledge that everyone is only using and betraying, andThis is where the truth emerges - that you can’t trust anyone. A person carries this truth throughout life. The husband and medical workers are just consequences, the reasons for which the woman laid with her faith. Faith is not a process “in something, in someone,” but is a separate, important part of Man. With the advent of the New Epoch, this part begins to form in Man. And if Man himself does not develop this part through his self-improvement, then Life develops it. This is the law. Or matter develops us - with pain, problems, tears and losses. Or we consciously develop ourselves - easily, with joy and happiness. But this is also a question of Faith! Man, in essence, strives with all his parts for Unity with the Father. Everything in our life begins with the Father. The Father is in each of us! Thanks to Faith, we recognize the Father within us. Faith lives according to its own faith-creating laws, just as the body lives according to bodily laws. By faith we can understand, apply, discern and do something. She can think and feel. The woman supported her husband, her heart sank at the same time, but she did not believe her heart, but directed her faith to her husband - to what he said. That is, she ignored her own living within herself, and accepted formal words from the outside, not confirmed by actions. But each of us is a cell of the Father. Listening to ourselves, our depth, being in agreement with ourselves, we are in contact with the Creator himself. Having not correctly comprehended his situation, not believing himself, betraying himself, a person blocks Faith. And you can remove this block only by overcoming some situation, rethinking it and doing it in a new way. Each person goes his own way. And you need to give freedom of will to your loved ones. If a healthy adult man has chosen the path of inaction, let him go through it. In this inaction, let her figure out what to eat, how to dress, etc. By “supporting” him, making him a dependent, a woman violates the laws of Life. If we believe only in physical material life without the Father, then we get complete matter with all its delights! Some pass the test and some don't. With the depth of faith, a Man aggravates or works out dharma (writing a debt in the Spirit is a violation of the Will of the Father). Faith gives new creative opportunities. We know how some people cope with fatal diseases without drugs, believing in the Father, while others, believing only in expensive chemicals and purchased medical regalia, leave this life. But these are extremes. And our task is to live today in the golden mean. Believing in the Father and relying on this Faith - find and turn to medical workers who see us not as a source of profit, but as a Person who came to them for help. There are many such specialists around us! They exist, they Create Humanity, serving the Father at their post. It is important to realize your actions by Faith and take responsibility for your life. We know from history examples when people went to the guillotine for their Faith. In this way they passed the test of their Faith. And around each of us there are many life examples of how people passed a tough test of Faith, while practicing complex dharma. Give life at the cost of your life. Woman, 40 years old. Three children, a husband who provides for the family to the best of his ability. She has to work a lot. She is diagnosed with uterine cancer. Health problems, early menopause, etc. And suddenly the woman finds out that she is pregnant. Everyone is horrified: family, friends, friends. Only one piece of advice - terminate the pregnancy to save yourself. But the woman knew that the Creator Himself had given her a child! She knew that this was the Will of the Father! She knows that she may die, and asks her eldest daughter to take custody of the child in the event of her death. She decides to give birth, relying on her Faith, and lovingly awaits the baby. There were many tests, but she passed everything. Now the fourth child is growing in their family - a wonderful girl! And the woman was cured, and the disease went away with the birth of the child. The test of Faith by death is the greatest test. If a Man has truly acquired Faith, he accepts his death as nature, as Will.