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Stress is a state of increased tension. For adults, stress that does not exceed the body's adaptive resource is bearable. Unlike children, on whom it has a devastating effect. There are biological, psychological and social stress factors. The impact of stress occurs gradually: Stage. Anxiety. (manifests in the form of isolation, mistrust, anxiety) Stage. Resistance (fatigue, laziness, lack of activity and interest) Stage. Exhaustion (the nervous system does not cope well, aggression, indifference, physical malaise occurs). How to notice stress in children at different ages? From 0 to 2 years: the child is irritable, cries, refuses to eat, sleep deteriorates. Stress in preschoolers: change in behavior (a calm child suddenly becomes hot-tempered), regression (suddenly begins to suck a pacifier, which he gave up long ago, and asks to be held). Fears, tearfulness may appear, speech defects arise or intensify. What can cause stress in a child? - change in the usual way of life (moving, parental divorce, loss) - new conditions to which you need to get used to and adapt (kindergarten, school) - unlimited use of gadgets - conflicts - sudden frightening situation - unfavorable atmosphere in the family - cruelty towards the child - lack of contact with parents, emotional rejection of the child (ignoring) - tactile deprivation (lack of hugs, refusal of them) or physical punishment - separation from family or with one of the parents - aggressive behavior of adults - criticism, accusations, devaluation, ridicule, etc. - bullying (bullying by peers or other persons) and the like. How can a parent help a child? Be attentive to your child, noticing changes. Ask the child if something is bothering him. If there is a trusting relationship between you and the child’s age allows, then it is quite possible that they will tell you about “global” children’s problems in the first person. It is very important not to devalue what the child said, not to shame, not to intimidate. It is not recommended to express distrust, otherwise next time the child’s secrets will be found out by friends, aunts and uncles, strangers, but not by you. Pay attention to the child’s games. Doesn't a child tell his woes to a teddy bear? Isn’t your favorite doll standing in the corner after it was reprimanded with your recent phrases addressed to the child? Just observe. If you find out about the original source of stress, you need to eliminate it. For example, exclude an intrusive neighbor from the guests, after communicating with whom the child cries. Even if this aunt seems very good to you, because she praises the child so much and smiles with all her might. Art therapy. Creativity is great for experiencing feelings. Drawing, modeling from soft plasticine, fairytale therapy, listening to classical music, dancing and other methods can be used to overcome minor stress and cope with unpleasant situations. Important! If you notice the following symptoms: - previously unusual aggressive behavior or isolation - obsessive actions or tics - urinary incontinence (enuresis) - stuttering (after a sudden frightening stressful situation) - eating disorders - difficulty concentrating during classes, deterioration in learning, etc. .p.Consult specialists: pediatrician, child psychiatrist, psychologist! They are the ones who will help you eliminate unwanted consequences. Help with child stress should be comprehensive. Recommendations for stress prevention Hug your child with love more often. (from 4 times a day), giving him the necessary feeling of security. The home environment should be calm. Play with the child. Playing together creates close emotional contact between you and at the same time develops and liberates the child. If he is upset or puzzled, then such a situation can be “played out” by suggesting possible options for his behavior in such cases. Communicate with the child. Be interested in what