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Imagine a parent who enters the kitchen, and there... There is buckwheat in a saucepan, two unbroken eggs (in the shell), tea that someone has not drunk and three types of spices - and all this together with a broken alarm clock and a five-thousand-dollar bill, which this same parent was going to put in his wallet in the morning, but got distracted by something... And a one-and-a-half-year-old baby sits next to him and smiles with a happy and proud smile. What are the options (for parental behavior)? First, let’s look at the most common. Option one: to put it simply, go broke. Create a scandal. It is rude to punish a child. Strictly order NEVER TO DO THIS AGAIN! Option two: coldly ignore the child, silently express contempt for him, disdainfully put everything away, do not talk to the baby “like a human being” for at least another half a day (“let him understand”). Option three: fall into the state of a victim, burst into tears, run out of the kitchen in hysterics, then return, smearing tears down your cheeks, lamenting that this was your favorite alarm clock, a gift from your grandfather, a memory of your childhood, my God, why such misfortune? And now no store will accept this five-thousandth one! In general, give the child the opportunity to feel like a monster and get used to this role properly. These options, all three, are aimed at crippling the child, no less than that. Someone will be indignant: what does mutilation have to do with it? I just want the house to be in order, so that he/she doesn’t waste food, don’t touch money, don’t spoil things, because you have to earn it all! All these motives are understandable, but the result doesn’t change. The child has a part of his personality that wants to do this, moreover, she needs to do this, she needs it, and to block it, to block the child’s access to it, to try to “remove” it means to make the child... defective. After all, a mentally healthy person will not want to deprive a child of an arm or leg if the child has just touched him with that arm or leg, causing some inconvenience. And the part that is responsible for such experiments is needed in life by a child no less than an arm or a leg. This is true. Of course, and fortunately, the options described above do not exhaust a parent’s options in such a situation. But before we look at the fourth behavior option, healthy behavior, we need to clarify something. It is important for us, parents, to understand why children do all this. Hypotheses from the series “because they are pests and saboteurs” are not considered. We have already said that in the game a child models many situations that he may need to go through in life, and learns how to behave in these situations. So. When children begin to mix something that seems impossible and unnecessary to mix, and create masterpieces from it, like what we described... In general, we have already said almost everything. In this way, children model creativity: they take a variety of components and mix them, and in the end they get something completely unusual. The most successful, most creative people are those who, as children, had the opportunity to improvise and experiment like this. Creativity, in fact, is the creation of something unprecedented, completely new, from a known (relatively speaking) set of components. Some people can barely do this, some can do it better, and some can do it so well that then the whole world knows Bach’s “Joke”, Mozart’s “Requiem”, Oginsky’s “Polonaise”. And it would seem - there are only seven notes! Life would become much easier for many parents if they realized that children do not yet understand the value of many things (here we use the word “value” not at all in the meaning in which we have it presented most often in the book; what is meant primarily is the material equivalent of a material object). Those. They don’t know that in exchange for a five-thousand-dollar bill they could fill a refrigerator for a while, or buy clothes or shoes. They don’t know how much a cell phone and tablet cost and what it equals. The truth is, they don’t know, they don’t think about it. And thisnormal for their age. When parents, in turn, do not take this ignorance of theirs into account, very unpleasant conflicts arise for all parties involved. And then what? And then it turns out that, say, a thirty-year-old man finds himself in a situation where he needs to create something new, create something that did not exist before, at least within the framework of his individual life, when he needs to find some way that he had previously never walked - but he can’t. It can’t, that’s all. First of all, he doesn't know how. More precisely, he does not have access to that part of his personality that knows and can - this resource is blocked for him. And secondly, apperception (reliance on previous experience when gaining a new experience) in this case serves him poorly. He finds himself in a certain context - and “remembers” (in quotes because naturally, this information does not have time to enter the conscious mind, some “picture” appears before the inner gaze for a split second) as once upon a time, long ago Mom slapped him on the bottom for making something out of porridge and sprinkling tea leaves on top, and Dad screamed loudly when he saw sand with flower petals carefully brought from the street in his briefcase. A person will find himself in a situation where he, in order to create something new, you will have to overcome the fear and resentment associated with these episodes of the past. And it will be difficult. But, of course, it could be different. So the kid got a box from the kitchen in which his mother stores spices, brought it to the bedroom - and “painted” a whole picture on the bed: here you have red pepper and yellow turmeric, and rosemary, and some gray-brown mixtures - and how it all smells, mmm! The child is happy - beauty! The parents come in and what do they tell him? That’s right. Son, dear, how beautifully you did it! Wow! This is the very moment when the child needs to be supported. This is the task of parents, which is much more important than maintaining order in the house, keeping things safe, and so on. Because order and cleanliness can be restored quickly. Even if it takes an hour, it's still fast. Because there can be as many mugs, sheets and cell phones as you like, but this particular child in the world and you only have one. And he has to live his whole life with the experience he receives in childhood. And in order to live happily ever after, he needs support right now. And when a child receives such support, then, later, in the future, in a situation of creating something new, the mechanism of apperception will work for him - without realizing it, he seems to will again receive support from significant people and get down to business with a foretaste of future success, and this, as we know, is the key to success. And it doesn’t matter what he will do: as V.S. Vysotsky said, in any profession there is a place for creativity. By and large, creativity is what distinguishes a person from an animal. Emotions, intelligence - animals have all this too. We all know examples of the manifestation of love and devotion in dogs, including outstanding examples. Some species of animals are very highly intelligent. For example, each pod of killer whales uses its own unique language, and animals from another pod do not understand it. But animals, despite all this, are not capable of creating. Creativity as the creation of the unprecedented, new, unique and beautiful is a gift that is given to man. And when parents try to “chop off” for a child what distinguishes him from a kitten, foal, etc., a reasonable question arises: who is the “saboteur” and “saboteur” here? If it so happens that the child’s creativity is blocked , subsequently he can, of course, overcome and process this obstacle - but for this he will need to do serious work on himself. And it’s not difficult to understand what the difference is between a thirty-five-year-old person who was finally able to discover creativity in himself - and a thirty-five-year-old person who was able to increase, multiply, and develop his creative potential. We all want our children to grow up strong, smart, and soulful , beautiful, healthy, powerful, creative, understanding,