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Follow yourself.. In such a huge world, on the way to our goals we encounter obstacles of various kinds. Such as physical, for example, as well as psychological. In the first case, we understand the amount of energy, effort, time, etc. that must be spent to achieve your goals. In the second case... tension that we have to cope with constantly, almost every day. Physical difficulties are mainly related to resources (there are no material resources, you can earn extra money, save up, save, depends on our goals), but psychological difficulties are completely different, with them all the impulses of our actions end, even before they begin, at this moment we are afraid to leave our comfort zone. Most likely, we have already guessed that this is FEAR, DOUBT, LESS CONFIDENCE. Fear of making a mistake, losing a lot of time, thinking about what other people will think (I always say, many people don’t think about themselves, why should they care about you). Do you know who achieves their goals most often? Those whose motivation prevails over the brain’s desire for psychological safety, that’s how they cope with this problem. This happens either when the task is extremely important, and the person does not care about psychological risks, or when he has reached maturity and psychological fears do not interfere with his practical activities. This applies to absolutely any task, because everywhere we are faced with the choice: take a risk psychologically and have a chance to achieve the goal, or remain in the zone of comfort and safety, but lose the opportunity for serious achievements. And, of course, those who have self-discipline. What it is? It is the ability to control and manage your thoughts, emotions and behavior, even when there is no external control or pressure. It is the ability to pursue one's goals and commitments despite difficulties or temptations. Self-discipline includes several aspects: - Self-control - Self-organization - Self-regulation If we want to increase the likelihood of success in difficult endeavors, we only have two main factors we can concentrate our efforts. 1) improve our overall psychological state so that the motivation present is not suppressed by fear; 2) carefully understand the essence of the task at hand in order to direct our efforts in the right direction and not question them. Remember, we ourselves are responsible for your life!Psychologist: Olga Molostova.