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So, we discussed in the last article why resources are important (https://www.b17.ru/article/367014/).And we practiced a little (https://www.b17.ru /media/61646/ ).Where do they go? Take a piece of paper, a pen and write what you do in your life: Work Relationships, friends Household chores Caring for loved ones (sick, elderly, etc.)... If you need reference points, take a calendar and restore day by day - what and how much time was spent. This was the first step is to calculate the number of tasks you perform and expense items. The second step is to calculate the amount of strength you have. Do they even exist? The list, our everything, is a list. What fills you with energy, joy, strength? What fills your life: Communication with friends Caring for loved ones Hobbies Loneliness... You can do math. Or accounting, reconcile debits and credits. Draw a diagram or scale by quantity - how much strength is decreasing and how much is increasing. For a week, for a month, for a year... If there is an answer, choose what to remove and what to add so that more energy comes in than was expended. Exactly? This means that the drain of power is hidden from view and not obvious. It may be important to look at a couple of important factors. A kind attitude towards yourself is a very important resource. If, continuing the joke from the second illustration, you are constantly running inside yourself and yelling at yourself (or maybe not inside, and not only yelling) - this is a waste of your resources on self-harm, which again takes away strength and reduces adaptability. Good attitude others - are there many of them? Unkind? Why do you need it? Unnecessary communication? Yes Yes. Also that black hole for strength and energy. In most cases, you have the right to choose the situations in which you find yourself. You have the right to say that you don’t want to talk (or just be silent - you have the right to this, just like in detective stories). Unrealistic demands on yourself and life. They can drink you and eat you. Remind yourself that the planet is inhabited by imperfect beings. And you are one of them. But most of all the strength is taken away by repressed, unconscious, forbidden emotions, thoughts, desires. Sometimes strength in such a situation not only flows away, depriving you of joy, but also slowly develops into bodily symptoms. They eat you away from the inside with stomach juice, squeeze your heart with a bony hand... Therefore, if the math doesn’t add up at all, start allowing yourself what you once refused, forbade, considered impossible. Alone with yourself, with a reliable friend, with a specialist... And the balance of power will definitely begin to equalize. Give yourself time. Be kind to yourself. Keep your nose up, your tail up, your back straight... or not (if it deprives you of resources). Food, sleep, being kind to yourself, taking care of yourself and others - it's time to give yourself all of this. Appreciate something that fills you with strength. Whatever it is. No matter how it is assessed by everyone around (within the framework of the Criminal Code, of course). take care of yourself.