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Hello friends! And again, relationships are on our agenda. Let's talk today about how a girl or woman can keep men? Why did such a question even arise? The fact is that many different magazines, TV programs, as well as books and manuals actively convey to the female part of the population the message of exactly how to attract a man, and then keep him. Keep him close to you, in a relationship, from betrayal or some other deception... And every time a great secret seems to be revealed, which no one knew about before, but this very source, classified as “secret”, will tell you what needs to be done to keep a man forever. But let us take a moment Let's at least stop, take a break in this race and think about why we want to keep men? If there is a thought that someone needs to be kept, it means that he (this same man) seems to be constantly thinking about escaping, so it turns out? That a man in a relationship with a woman (girl) is not of his own choice and free will, but only because she has mastered the great skill of holding this very man? When a girl begins to think in this direction, she unconsciously (and sometimes even realizing it) devalues ​​himself by giving himself something like this “message”: as I am, a man is not interested in me, I need to be on alert all the time, think through every step in order to interest him; the man may have chosen me now, but soon he will understand that I’m nothing special and will probably leave; if I don’t try and control everything, use techniques and tricks from the “female arsenal”, another (who is more efficient) will take my man away. That is, there is a feeling that something is constantly needed - then “come up with”, try in some special way, keep the situation under control so that the man does not run away. However, will such tension, control and a ban on being oneself give a positive effect in a relationship? Will a girl (woman) succeed? ) be on alert all the time, control yourself all the time and at the same time fight the background fear of a man leaving? Of course, it is important to do something nice for your partner, take care of him, get emotionally involved in the relationship - but do this not as a grand strategy or out of fear that he will will run away. If this note was useful or interesting to you, I will be glad to hear your “thank you”) Your psychologist, Ordina Lyubov Course on self-esteem and self-love: https://www.b17.ru/courses/lyubov_k_sebe_trening/?prt=164804 Sign up for a consultation: https://www.b17.ru/ordina_lyubov/#consultation