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From the author: For those who really want to hear from their child. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we so often forget about what is really so dear to us - about our children. We are overwhelmed by everyday affairs and responsibilities, and often we can catch yourself thinking that most of the actions performed every day have reached the level of “automation”. Even ordinary daily conversations have become commonplace. “How are you doing at school?”, “How are you doing in kindergarten?”, “Have you done your homework?” etc. - how often during the day do you ask your child such questions? Probably once or twice for sure. Before we move on, please answer the following questions for yourself: 1. Usually after work you want to be with your family and share the events of the day?2. Do you feel inner fullness, a surge of strength before and after work?3. Do you have a hobby?4. Do you spend time communicating with your child every day? Let me note that those who answered “yes” to 2 or more questions are moving forward very successfully in life, which I am very happy about, because when you enjoy life, it’s really great. Those who have even one “no,” I ask you to spend a couple more minutes on this text. Science today has stepped far forward, including psychology. As a result of the research, our colleagues made multiple conclusions, one of which states that even 15 minutes a day of daily, meaningful communication allows you to establish contact between parent and child and establish a very trusting relationship. But where should you start? A long journey begins with the first step, and you have already taken it. Below I offer you some recommendations that can be used for the benefit of your communication with your child. Eye contact is very important in communication. If a child tells his dad or mom about his achievements, plans for the future, at a time when the parent is busy (cutting borscht, reading the newspaper, looking at the phone), he will not see how you really rejoice at his success. Try to sincerely listen to your baby (or an adult), and the result will not be long in coming! Take into account the individual characteristics of your child. Often babies are more open to talking with mom or dad. Older children are more difficult to win over, as they set boundaries for themselves and the outside world. It is worth paying them a little more attention, more patience. And your honesty and openness will help with this. Ask open-ended questions. “How are you doing in mathematics (chemistry, biology, etc.)?” - implies a very common answer - “Normal”. And here is the next point: allow yourself to be stupid - “How is this normal?” Give the child the opportunity to be reflected in you. It would seem that the child shared his experiences with you, and then?.. And then try to tell him about how you feel about this. Tell us about your similar situations in life, how you felt there, what options there are for solving this problem. Why is this necessary?.. The child wants to feel support and support in the family. So how does he know that she exists if he is not told about it? And in conclusion, it is worth noting: the child is what he is, and you are involved in this. When a child is born, he adapts to the environment for a long time, and imagination, intelligence, etc. are the result of this adaptation. What does this have to do with you, you ask? You have been given a wonderful gift - to raise a new Person. And only your desire and activity will guide a Person in his development. be healthy!