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From the author: In the article I help you understand the question “How not to drown in a sea of ​​information” and “How to effectively search for psychological information on your problem.” If you rummage through the Internet and look for information on solving psychological problems or problems health, you may find it difficult to understand any topic. And the deeper you go, the further you move away from conquering the problem. The authors write in a complex and tedious manner, use scientific terms, and build three-story structures out of them. Go figure what’s what. For example: “The individual’s everyday personality is formed through an internal position, through the formation of personal meanings, on the basis of which a person builds his worldview, his uniqueness.” Mukhina V.S. Alienation. Absolute alienation. M.: Prometheus, 2009. p. 14. To correctly understand this statement, you will need to find simple definitions of what being, personality, internal position, personal meaning, worldview, uniqueness of personality are. The expert’s problem: he does not know how (or does not want to ) express themselves in simple language. The reader’s problem: he does not know how to read complex texts (and should not); does not know the basics of scientific research; is content with a superficial, and often erroneous, view of the problem. What should an ordinary person do to find a solution to a psychological problem? Here are a few options: Find two or three specialists and carefully study the free materials that they post on their websites, blogs, and in interviews. If you misunderstand the ideas they are conveying, do not hesitate to ask them clarifying questions (they don’t punch you in the nose for asking). Each specialist does everything possible to communicate as closely as possible with his readers and admirers. Do not waste time reading the numerous articles that the search engine gives you. Initially, look for a suitable specialist, and only after that choose what to read and study. This way you will save yourself from confusion. The Internet is a “cesspool” of conflicting information. If you are looking for a book on your problem, give preference to foreign popular science publications. English-language authors (in my subjective opinion) write more clearly, the information is usually more modern and scientifically sound. Today, European and American psychologists and psychotherapists write what Russian-language authors will write about in 10-15 years. The most effective way to solve psychological problems and find the necessary information is to get advice from a psychologist. To get the maximum benefit from working with a psychologist, you need to prepare in advance: Describe your problem, how long you cannot solve it, what you have already tried to do, what was the “last straw” for seeking help; Indicate the goals you want to achieve in your work , what do you expect from the consultation; Describe your life situation (profession, marital status, level of material wealth, how things are on the personal front). Send this information to the specialist in any available way. This action will save ¾ of the consultation time. To summarize, I would like to say: Searching for information on your problem should not come at the expense of actually solving the problem. Sometimes people go on a search, and thereby postpone positive changes in life. Found some useful information - be sure to apply it in real life. Otherwise, searching for information becomes a sophisticated form of procrastination. This phenomenon is called procrastination in real life. Psychologist Alexander Usoltsev was with you. An expert on anxiety disorders (PA, VSD, IBS, OCD). All the best to you, and see you again! Subscribe to new publications so you don't miss anything!INSTGR_LINKI'm on VKLet's be friends!