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From the author: Chapter 1 from the book “Dialogue in Silence” Hello, dear reader! Most likely, we have never met and, most likely, we will never see each other in person. But I want to tell you a lot and therefore I must open my soul to you, along with sins and pain, insight and love, in order to feel entitled to give you advice. Your right, my friend, is to accept them or reject them, agree or dispute. I am speaking to you not because you are obliged to listen, but because I cannot remain silent any longer. Heavenly powers, bless! Fill me with the determination to recognize and defeat the demonic temptation within myself... I have come to know the sin of theft in all its fullness. The first acquaintance occurred when I was unexpectedly and mercilessly robbed. I remember how I then experienced a very strong feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness, which overwhelmed me with despair and uncontrollable anger going nowhere. Exactly to NOWHERE! I didn’t see the thief, I didn’t catch his hand, but his cold energy burned my soul - and I remember this for a very long time. Although the regret of losing something valuable passed very quickly. Did something similar happen to you? Then you will agree that the stolen item itself is not at all the cause of the grief you experience. Over time, we forget what exactly was stolen from us, since it was not truly ours. It came and went. But feelings of pain, resentment, despair are property that comes from within us, created by us. This is a part of ourselves, and we cannot part with it for a long time, as if we are afraid to let it go to a foreign land. Very vivid sensations are almost always accompanied by inaction, shock paralysis. Only pain. Your own theft provides a completely different experience. And, to my shame, I also experienced this. There are very few feelings, there is simply no time for them, pure adrenaline in excitement. Powerful adrenaline that can turn off all other senses. But what sophisticated actions! Maybe this is familiar to you too? Sometimes, with the needles of fear and rapid heartbeat, our soul turns on the device of awareness of what is happening. Stop! It is a sin! But where is it? Our brain performs such an ego dance that, in most cases, we cannot even remember how everything happened, as if it were in a dream. They were truly asleep! We then perhaps find the result laughably stupid. Sometimes we feel ashamed. This thing comes and goes. Sometimes we forget about it five minutes after it's stolen and never use it. This means, again, the main thing in theft is not the thing, but the process itself! The urge to steal does not depend on the need to have something. A person steals not because he has nothing to eat, but because he wants to steal. Therefore, not all hungry people go to steal, and not all thieves go hungry! Having realized this, i.e. Having understood myself as much as I could, I realized that the sin of theft is one of the ways of an explosion of feelings, a hook by which the Tempter clings to us. Another test of spirit. Theft is a temptation that can and must be resisted! Become aware at the very initial stage of the very thought of the upcoming theft! Realize that you are reaching into the pocket of your own destiny! Understand as early as possible that at every moment of our lives we are faced with choosing a future path. Every action is a fork in the road! In which direction and with what burden on our soul is our next step? It doesn’t take years for temptation to recede and revenge to let go—one moment is enough. This is an epiphany! And I'm glad this happened to me. I saw the sin in myself, retaining in my memory all the acuteness of my experiences. Now I could let it go as unnecessary, because... We can easily recall finally realized sensations from memory without creating the entire performance again. Keeping sin at bay with memories alone. I felt sorry for the thief who robbed me. He is still captivated by this terrible itch. He is not free! He is sick with deep neurosis. When will he think about creativity if all his thoughts and feelings are woven into the web of demonic temptation?! I feel sorry for him. That's all. No more anger. Thus, I freed up energy and gained the right!