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Purpose: development of fine motor skills, coordination, attention, memory, mastering sewing skills, preparing the hand for writing, developing speech. How to play? Let's consider a variant of the game using the Apple lacing example. As we said earlier, first the baby needs to get acquainted with the toy, look at it, touch it. At this stage, your emotional mood can play the first important role in getting your child interested in the game. Try to intrigue the baby: “Oh, what am I going to show you now,” “Look what I have interesting,” your voice and emotions should convey all the fun and interestingness of what is happening. The baby reads a lot of information from the adult and at such moments, you kill two birds with one stone. So, on the one hand, you set the baby up for play, and on the other, you show him your mood and the baby thereby develops his emotional sphere, enriches it through you. So, you have brought the baby to the game, now he gets acquainted with the toy, he needs to examine it, study it, as his natural curiosity allows him. Then, you are preparing to demonstrate to the child how this toy works, what needs to be done with it so that it is interesting, understandable, and accordingly the child could cope with the game and enjoy the laurels of the winner. It is important to note that when showing a child a toy, you must always follow four basic rules, this is especially important if the child is young:1. Always be on the same level with the baby, firstly, it is convenient for the child, because he does not have to constantly throw back his head to see you, and secondly, this brings the adult and baby closer together, now you are in his world.2. Always be to the right of the child when showing him any material, game, etc., since in this position the child will clearly see your hands, and, accordingly, what you want to show him.3. The younger the child, the slower the action should be shown. Of course, you can take the lacing, quickly lace it in front of the baby’s nose and look forward to when he will repeat all this. But do not forget that for a child this is a whole science, and we, as a rule, learn gradually. If you don’t believe me, I’ll give you an example: Just imagine, you were invited into the cockpit, they quickly showed you which buttons work and how they work and said: “Well, now repeat.” I believe that you will not only not remember all these buttons, but also from such demands immerse yourself in stress. Therefore, we act approximately according to this scenario: They took an apple, took a worm and showed it to the baby, pause, slowly inserted the worm into the apple, paused again, showed the baby where the worm appeared. 4. And one more important point, any game should be accompanied by speech; speech enriches the game and your communication with the baby. But there is one simple rule here: it is necessary to separate showing and speaking. For example, you tell your child: “Now we are going to put a worm into an apple, look,” then you pause and perform the action. If you were pointing and talking at the same time, the baby would most likely be distracted by speech and constantly look in your direction rather than at the toy. Games with lacing: Any game that is accompanied by rhymes and nursery rhymes will be more interesting for kids. I want to offer you a funny poem that will accompany your gaming actions and maintain a cheerful mood in the game. A round apple barrel Gnaws a worm Once, and hid inside How can we find it? The worm came out again. Grab it by the barrel And pull, pull, pull That's what it is, look! (Liventseva E.O.) There is also a wonderful lacing toy “Mushroom”, I offer you a poem for this game. I'm crawling, crawling, crawling I'll gnaw through the mushroom cap How many holes I can't count! One, two, three, four, five, six! (Liventseva E.O.) THIS IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW: · Since educational toys are play and educational material at the same time, it is recommended After class, remove them from the baby’s field of vision. This is necessary so that the child does not.