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From the author: the article was published in the workshop of the Center for Positive Psychology "SO!" www.treningi.meHow to “get in the mood” to achieve what you want? From the series “Preparing for the New Year” Lesson 3 When I conducted a workshop on the fulfillment of desires this week, several people asked me: “We understand how to fulfill our desires, we can do it, but only in a state of internal drive. And when you lose strength, nothing works out. It turns out to be a vicious circle: when we feel good, we can easily do even better, when we feel bad, we are unable to correct the situation. What should we do?” First, about Why is this happening? The Universe is a mirror. The world responds to our vibrations, to what we carry inside us. If we are harmonious inside, then our world is filled with harmony and light. And vice versa, if we are torn apart by contradictions, if we are tense and expect trouble, then there are problems will not keep you waiting long. The kind of world we will live in depends on our inner mood. Will it be a happy and harmonious world, or vice versa - a world full of troubles and evil people. Last summer, my children and I went to the sea and they came with us 2 women aged about 50, one happy and joyful, the second dissatisfied with everything and muttering. To the same hotel. But, as you guessed, to different rooms. The next day, the first one treated us to Turkish delight, received as a gift in incredible quantities from Turkish machos. And the second one was picking out broken glass from a plate and complaining about the lack of milk in the dining room. On the third day, our first friend received a marriage proposal from a local chef, which she immediately told me about, as the only lady in the area who could understand why A 30-year-old chef “fell” on an “old” lady, while my daughter, left unattended, I’m ashamed to say (she wasn’t even 3 at the time!) “wasted a lot” right in front of our second friend.. And this happens every day. On this topic, I really love the joke about the Guardian Angel. A man is riding on a trolleybus... Gloomy. And he thinks: “There are only rednecks around, the boss is a cretin, the wife is a bitch...” Behind his back is a guardian angel with a notepad and pen. He writes down: “There are rednecks all around, the boss is a cretin, the wife is a bitch.” And in turn he thinks: “It seems like it already happened. And why does he need this all the time? But once he orders it, he must fulfill it.” So, a lot depends on the mood. And before you begin to realize your goal, you need to create this inner mood. If you want to find a loved one, you first need to establish harmony and happiness within yourself. If you want to increase your well-being, you first need to learn to feel like a wealthy person. Even if you just want to lose weight, you must first create an internal feeling of that. that you are a slender and beautiful girl/woman. In simoron it is believed that in order to fulfill any desire, you need to enter a state of soaring, “feather”. And in this state we “float” outside of time and space. We are free from the past: past grievances, disappointments, feelings, emotions, negative experiences. What was is only the path that we and our soul needed. And if we have wisely learned all the lessons of life, there is no point in dragging the past along with us. And in this state we are free from the present: responsibilities, some unfortunate events, “zebra” stripes and self-pity. We are free from beliefs and the Habitual Picture of the World. If in your picture of the world there are still “women over 40 or men without money, cannot... give birth to a child.. meet a soul mate or find a job - urgently introduce such beliefs! The wizard knows for sure that adults for many thousands of years believed in one thing, then another, and each time their beliefs were not justified, replaced by new ones, etc. At first the earth was flat and on 3 elephants, and the sun flew around the earth, then they decided that it was round. Are you absolutely sure that it’s not square? :) Do you think that in your situation it’s certainly impossible... (substitute as necessary).? And you don’t believe that money can multiply right in your wallet and hearts,.