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A conversation about crisis situations in enterprises, ways to overcome them and anti-crisis measures cannot be complete without discussing the personnel problem, which is so pressing today. A considerable share of the headache of a modern manager is generated by heavy thoughts on the topic: to whom and for what am I am I paying money? Translated into specific language, it sounds like this: what approaches to the selection, training and preparation of employees will bring the activities of personnel services in line with the standards and requirements of the company in the modern market? How to increase the efficiency of existing employees? Various motivational events that have already become familiar in our country (well-known corporate parties, “team building”, on-site trainings, etc.) do not give the desired effect, since the problem is not rooted in external motivation, and in the internal attitude of each employee to fulfill his duties (the internal side of motivation). The well-known phrase “Personnel decides everything” is more relevant today than ever. But where to get these shots? If you decide to select personnel using the intermediary services of recruitment agencies, you are still faced with the fact that the process of personnel training falls on your shoulders. Question: why then are such intermediary services needed if they still do not solve your personnel problems? So how can you select qualified (or train existing) personnel? Various employment centers help solve some of these personnel problems. But as experience shows, these centers, unfortunately, do not train personnel in a number of highly sought-after specialties. It is very difficult to find, for example, a good sales manager. In most enterprises, such specialists represent the main driving force, the “workhorse” in the main flow of sales of your product or service. So what to do: work in conditions of constant staff turnover, hoping for the emergence of talented managers, or, having adequately assessed the situation, still find professionals who can train your staff in accordance with the requirements of your business. In order to master the market, using not the quantity, but the quality of your personnel. Criteria for assessing the quality of training programs: the training is carried out taking into account all the factors and requests characteristic of your business in an atmosphere as close as possible to the working one (this is not an entertainment and entertainment process, during which you can temporarily forget about work and responsibilities); after training or retraining of personnel, the level of sales of each employee increases; the qualities and characteristics of employees that prevent them from working productively are identified and eliminated; new qualities necessary for effective work are formed, taking into account the specifics of the business and company standards. Employees who are not capable of training are eliminated; the motivational effect of the training is lasting. It can be added that if you are making strategic plans for the further development of your business, it is important to know what the attitude of current and newly hired employees is to the company’s development prospects. Are they ready to build this future with you, and not act contrary to your plans? We are talking about corporate culture, motivation system and psychological work with personnel. We will continue the conversation about this in the next issue of the magazine. Selection and training of personnel; mediation (resolution of conflict situations); increasing sales efficiency by adjusting the sales model, mastering persuasion techniques and training in the specifics of managing difficult clients.