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From the author: Publication in the journal “Psychology and Self” Start here, here and here:).There is another important aspect in working with a puppet. After all, a puppet cannot move on its own, like any doll. But she has a big advantage over other toys - her arms and head are connected to the puppeteer by a thread that allows her to “come to life” and move. Did you manage to “revive” your doll and “teach” it to walk and dance? Are you able to control your puppet easily and naturally, or are your puppet's movements stiff and clumsy? Does this sound like your body's movements? How do you feel in your body? What could you do for yourself to pamper your body, make it stronger and more beautiful? If your doll is not very controllable, think about what you can do to correct the design flaws? Maybe the strings are too long and you need to raise your arms very high to help the doll move? Or, on the contrary, are the threads too short and the doll does not have enough space for free movement? What might this tell you about your own life? Perhaps the space of your life is too narrow, and you dream of a new job, travel, or just a walk to the neighboring park? Or, on the contrary, you don’t know how to fill the time of your life, you feel like a “puppet dangling in the air”, being controlled forces unknown to you? It’s as if you don’t decide anything, and your fate depends on someone more authoritative than yourself?...Tell me, do you personally feel like a puppet or a puppeteer? We all find ourselves in these two roles from time to time in our lives... What is it like to be a puppet?... To decide nothing, to obey the movements of the master’s hands and obediently carry out his invisible commands... The realization of one’s own helplessness can be very painful and sad... This happens when we realize that we are a small part of the Universe, and it seems to us that nothing in this life depends on us... It seems that someone else decides how we live, what to do, what to care about... But the role of a puppet also has its positive aspects... The ability to sensitively listen to the rhythms of the world, to obey the laws of movement ... Rely on the will of Fate... At certain periods of life, it is very important to believe in the wisdom of the Creator, calmly and without fuss, moving as the Universe itself suggests... Of course, the role of the Puppeteer is much more active and productive. The puppeteer can make the doll dance or jump, speak or squeak, lie quietly or turn its head... The puppeteer is the master of fate, he is endowed with unlimited power over the doll... But at the same time, he is also responsible for what happens according to his will with a puppet. Are her movements beautiful? Is there a thread tugging somewhere, preventing the doll from dancing? Does she have a pleasant voice? Can a doll tell stories or cannot speak at all?.. The puppeteer is responsible for all this... Who do you feel more often in your life - a helpless Puppet in the hands of an omnipotent Fate or a clever Puppeteer controlling the events of his life?... Do you remember Is there a capsule with your wish hidden in your doll? Hang the doll so that you can see it often. Every time you look at your creation, remember this dream. Notice around you “signs” that will help you not to forget about this desire, signs that will become for you symbols of a dream come true. Take at least small steps towards your goal. Working with a puppet is working on a subconscious level. It is unlikely that you will immediately notice that you have changed a lot. But over time, you will begin to notice that your life is changing, and your desires are beginning to come true. Remember that your doll is unique, and you will not find another one exactly the same in the whole world. It reflects some part of your Self. Which part? Only you and...your doll with a secret know this.