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From the author: Newsletter for men - I usually write articles about psychology. In the hope that they can help you understand yourself, the people around you and how you could make your life at least a little better and more interesting. I assume that it was in the hope of such materials that you subscribed to my newsletter. But today I will make a small digression and touch on the topic of healthy eating. Which, it would seem, does not directly relate to psychology. But, in my opinion, it is borderline. Agree, in order to change your life, you need to spend a lot, a lot of mental energy. Sometimes there are so many that it seems that loading wagons will be both easier and more enjoyable. But where does this energy come from? Redistribute it by giving up other, less important activities? I think this is possible. But where was it supposed to come from then? It seems to me that one of the main sources of human energy is just that – high-quality nutrition. And therefore in this article I want to talk about such nutrition. Or rather, to share with you my favorite recipe for a morning cocktail. The idea to do this came to me after the third person in a row, to whom I told about this cocktail, thanked me after some time and admitted that now he too I start every morning with it. Preparing the cocktail is simple. I would even say – elementary. And, what is important, it takes at most 2-3 minutes for this cooking. Which comes in very handy if you don’t have much time in the morning. However, if you have a lot of time, I still recommend starting with it more often. Because this dish contains a maximum of useful substances and is also very tasty. So, the recipe: Ingredients: A pack of cottage cheese (I take low-fat) Banana (1 piece) A little milk. Preparation: Take the cottage cheese, break it into pieces and put it in a bowl. We repeat the same with banana. Then fill the entire contents with milk (a little, so that it slightly hides the cottage cheese and banana). Then beat the resulting mixture for about 20 seconds with a blender. That’s it! The cocktail is ready. I usually drink 2 glasses of this cocktail in the morning on an empty stomach (that’s exactly how much is obtained from the products that I have indicated) and go about my business. It drinks easily and with pleasure. The same cannot be said about consuming a pack of cottage cheese in other ways. In general, it is very tasty, very nutritious and very healthy. After some fairly short time, you will most likely want to eat again. But don't be scared by this. Even if you are overweight, such nutrition will only benefit you. Especially if you accompany it with physical activity throughout the day. Despite the fact that the cocktail I suggested will not relieve you of your appetite for the whole day, you will not start gaining extra pounds with its help. Except perhaps the missing ones. As my trainer convinced me, such high-quality nutrition will speed up your metabolism over time, and then you will be able to lose weight, even if you eat a lot. And, importantly, you will always have the energy to change your life for the better. What can I tell you? I wish you with all my heart. PS If you are interested in my thoughts on the psychology of men, subscribe to me (by clicking on the button below) and to my telegram channel “Dmitry Trefilov’s Men’s House” - https://t.me/manrise_psy