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Once they asked me: “do I or have I ever made a wish card?” My answer is yes. I’ve made more than one. I used to make cards regularly. It started somewhere in the eleventh grade and continued until the moment I went to therapy. After therapy, the need to draw up wish cards disappeared. Every year for ten years I made a new wish card and hung it in a visible place. She hung over the bed. This helped me visualize my dreams and gave me the strength to realize them. At that time, the collage of desires helped not only in realizing goals, but also in knowing oneself. When I looked at it, I understood where to move and what I liked most. Now I also sometimes think about drawing up a wish map, but there is no particular need for it. Why is there no need? It’s just that at the moment, I’ve already worked well in therapy, I know myself quite well. Nevertheless, I think that a wish card or collage is a wonderful experience. All of us, when we draw up wish cards or a list of goals for the year, of course want them to come true. And for this, first of all, it is very important to listen to yourself and hear what our unconscious is telling us. Yes, it can be difficult sometimes, but believe me, it’s worth it! When I was still a schoolgirl, I dreamed of living by the sea and working without being tied to anything. Now I really live by the sea and work with people from different parts of the world, although before I had no idea about the existence of the Internet and did not think that this was possible. Therefore, I want to say that everything is already in your head, the main thing is to learn to listen and hear yourself and then there will be happiness. Don’t be afraid to ask the Universe for more, you will see that sooner or later it will undoubtedly hear you and give you what you asked of it, and when you know what you want, then getting it will be 100 times more pleasant, believe me. Do you have a cherished dream that you would like to make come true? Are you making your own wish map? What would you do with the wish card: would you hang it in a prominent place like I did or do something different? Enrollment for certification is underway. therapeutic group for adults over 21 years old. The group is accredited by the EAPP ECPP EGATIN MSGA. The hours count towards the individual's certification. and groups. psychoanalyst. Start on May 16, Tue - 17:00 to 18:30 (Moscow time) 3000 rub./1.5 hours. Subscribe to my VKontakte community and receive a bonus: meditative practice "Shamatha". Calm your mind and find inner peace! https://vk.com/app5898182_-224026628#u=1791044&s=2609310