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From the author: Today there are many different areas of kinesiology (applied, sports, educational, children's, etc.), some of them are taught in educational institutions in Russia. Kinesiology is widely popular in developed countries, but in Russia it is just beginning to develop. If you want to understand the cause of problems and choose the optimal solution, you care about health and longevity, you strive to raise your life to a new quality level, you dream of getting rid of doubts and the burden of the past, you are trying to understand yourself and your needs, if you are constantly asking the question “who am I?” and what is the best choice for me?” - kinesiology will give you the answer. Kinesiologists say that all the answers to questions about ourselves are stored in our body. From the very beginning of our life, namely not even from birth, but from the moment of conception, our cells record information about all important events. This information affects the health of tissues and organs. Each organ is associated with a specific muscle; any disorder in the body is reflected in muscle weakness - in changes in gait, posture, facial expression, etc. This is how the disease affects muscle tone, but there is also the opposite effect: by stimulating the muscle that signals the disease, you can be cured. Kinesiology, literally the study of body movement, is a holistic approach to balancing the movements and interactions of human energy systems. The use of muscle testing helps identify areas where a blockage or imbalance is disrupting a person's physical, emotional or energetic well-being. The same method helps to determine the factors influencing the appearance of such an imbalance. Kinesiology developed in the 60s from chiropractic, osteopathy and other sciences. The founder of kinesiology in its modern form, the American George Goodhardt, took the ancient method of the Indians as a basis, developed it, creating a fairly coherent theory, which is based on a muscle test, which is considered the most accurate and effective tool in the science of movements. Muscle testing identifies stressful areas in a person's life and clarifies the emotional trauma that led to problems. Most of us carry with us a heavy baggage of negative memories, situations and emotions throughout our lives. This life experience makes us wiser, more practical, more perfect, but on the other hand, it destroys our faith in the world, in people and in ourselves, and does not allow us to realize our cherished dreams. Someone else in his youth was disappointed in love and by adulthood cannot find his happiness. Another, having once invested money unsuccessfully, puts an end to attempts to create his own business at the stage of the birth of an idea. The third was taught from childhood that he was a loser, and this attitude does not allow him to receive a high income as an adult. Painful experiences of the past warn a person and prevent him from realizing himself. Suffering and experiencing stress prevents us from seeing a way out of the situation, from looking at it from a new angle. In the language of kinesiology, this condition is called “lack of choice.” The emotional experience of stress fades over time, stress moves to the subconscious level and then to the body level. Psychosomatic diseases are formed. A kinesiologist replays a stressful situation, dispels the resulting negative emotions, erasing the energy-informational record that remains in the cells of your body, thus returning a person to a state of choice and helping to gain a holistic view of life. By erasing the painful record that was destroying your life and body, the kinesiologist eliminates the cause of the psychosomatic illness. In its place, a new positive attitude towards well-being, health and longevity is recorded. Imagine that you can give up the accumulated baggage of negative experience and pain that you drag with you through life. Take from it only constructive conclusions and experience for reasonable behavior in similar situations in the future. Leave the tormenting memories, self-criticism and resentment. And walk through life lightly!!