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The opportunity to have pocket money gives the child an understanding of what there is enough money for and what there is not. What do you spend money on first, and what on next? The child begins to understand what he needs and what purchase can wait. Maybe he can do without some kind of toy. Also, the child learns to interact through banknotes with adults and with peers. He learns to navigate the prices and quality of the goods offered. He is trying his first steps in building a personal business (a third-grader comes up with the idea of ​​selling original erasers to first-graders for more than he bought himself). Learns to set long-term goals - when you need to save up pocket money to a certain amount to purchase the desired item. The child learns to lend and borrow money. As a result, he develops the following skills: to choose, compare, evaluate, make decisions. What will your child do when he receives a certain amount of money? - he will immediately spend it, as they say, on chewing gum, - he will put it in a far corner so that no one can see, - he will come up with how to save the amount received (maybe even increase it) - will return it to you as a gift for the next holiday, - will choose gifts for loved ones for this amount. What would you like your child to do with the money received? This is a very important question. Because your desires may well not coincide with the desires of the child. And in this case, certain rules help parents. If you strictly adhere to certain laws “how to give pocket money to children,” then with a high degree of confidence we can say that your child, as an adult, will already know the rules for successfully handling personal finances. These are the rules themselves. They begin to give out pocket money from the time the child turns 7 years old. At his birthday, this is solemnly announced to him. Until the child turns 14 years old, he is given a certain amount once a week. Upon reaching the age of 14, pocket money is issued once a month. Parents give pocket money to the child until his 18th birthday. At his birthday party, they solemnly announce to him that he is now an adult and his parents are stopping these subsidies. The child should know about this in advance (that is, from the age of 14, you can already inform him that at the age of 18, the issuance of these amounts stops) The amount of pocket money is determined by the parents by agreement. Based on the calculation of how much it will be monthly and how much it will be by the child’s 18th birthday. Every year on the child’s birthday, his pocket money increases by a certain amount. Example: at the age of 7 they started giving out 100 rubles per week = 400 rubles per month. At the age of 8 they added one hundred rubles to the first hundred rubles. Now the child receives 200 rubles a week, which is 800 rubles a month. At 9 years old - 300 per week, 1200 per month. At 10 years old - 400 rubles per week, 1600 per month. At 11 years old - 500 rubles per week, 2000 per month. At 12 years old - 600 rubles per week, 2400 per month. At 13 years old - 700 per week, 2800 per month. At 14 years old - 800 per week, 3200 per month (at the same time, we start giving out once a month). At 15 years old, we increase it with the same calculation as 100 per week, that is, + 400 rubles – therefore 3600 per month. At 16 years old - 4000 per month. At 17 years old - 4400 per month. Think carefully about how much your family can count on. Pocket money is issued only for personal small expenses (chewing gum, small toys, postcards, chocolates, etc.) This does not include travel around the city, lunches in educational institutions, money for the child for theaters, cinema, cultural outings with the class or family, birthday gifts for friends and family members, payment for sections and other developmental additional schools. You cannot punish or reward with pocket money. Pocket money is given out regardless of the mood of the parents and the situation in the family. Pocket money should be stable be issued regardless of the state of the family’s budget. The child does not have to understand anything and meet the parents halfway, he simply receives his pocket money consistently. If you decide to issue.