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Now many schools have created special correctional classes. Sometimes another child ends up in a normal environment. It’s the same with kindergartens. Teachers help such children adapt and help them in their studies. But this is not always enough to create a favorable atmosphere at school or kindergarten. Much depends on the children themselves, in whose environment such a child appears. How to correctly explain to the children who this is and how to behave with them. The sooner you start teaching your child to accept correctly, the greater the chance that there will be no attacks and ridicule on his part towards people with disabilities. Starting from the age of 4, sometimes earlier, children begin to be interested in everything that happens around them, curiosity comes to the fore , that's why you hear everything that comes to their mind. Since social frameworks and moral principles have not yet been developed, sometimes questions can confuse and confuse parents and others. You shouldn’t blush or shush your child for being rude, he doesn’t understand this. He is driven by the desire to understand why this happens. Therefore, if your child asks loudly in a public place: “What’s wrong with this uncle/aunt, why is he so scary or doesn’t have a leg,” you should immediately answer that it’s the right thing to shout It is not necessary to speak loudly, much less point with a finger; If you want to ask, ask, but it’s better in a whisper, as it may offend that person. He could have broken his leg, or he could be seriously ill, there are different illnesses. Let’s go out now and I will answer all your questions in detail.” Don’t overdo it and tell too much. There is a time for everything, every age has its own truth. For 4-6 year olds, it is enough to explain the whole situation through illness, possibly an accident. Be sure to teach your child a sense of empathy: “If you see a person who has something wrong with everyone else and he needs help, offer it. And most importantly, don't be afraid. After all, the main beauty is inside, not outside.” Having learned to help such people, your child will be kinder, will better understand other people’s feelings, and empathize. Starting from the age of 6, it is better to answer such questions not so abstractly and more fully: “there are many things in the world.” different people, and we are all different from each other. You see that everyone's appearance is different. There are also various diseases that, unfortunately, cannot be cured. They are not contagious, but sometimes it is very difficult for such people, especially when strangers try not to look at them, do not notice them, and think only about their appearance. The main thing is what is inside us. Our character, how we behave. And such people are sometimes much brighter and kinder than others, who have all their legs and arms in place, and there are no sores. Children have no idea how to behave around such people, what feelings they should experience. They look, first of all, at the reaction of their parents and copy it. Then they observe other adults who are part of a circle of trust - other relatives, acquaintances, kindergarten teachers. And only then does one form their own assessment of values. Everything is in your hands, and it depends on you how your child will react to it. What should you call such people? To ourselves or when telling someone a story, we often say “disabled people.” When conducting a conversation in the company of such a person or in front of him, using such a term is not tolerant. “People with disabilities”, “special people/children” - sounds more correct. If such a person is constantly in your child’s field of vision, then it is better to get to know him and call him by name when your conversation comes up about such a person. What to remember if there is a “special child” in your child’s group: Tell your child that people are different and why this happens. Explain the rules of behavior with such a child. For example, “you know that it’s better not to take Masha’s toy without permission, otherwise she will be very upset and start crying. And Vitya is allergic to milk, so he can’t drink it..