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How an introject ruins your life An introject is a harmful alien belief that has entered your inner world. And it has not been critically processed to determine whether it suits you or not. In the movie GI Jane, Lawrence's line is often heard: “I have never encountered self-pity in nature. Any bird, if it falls from a tree, numb from the cold, will not feel sorry for itself.” Under the slogan of this phrase, courageous guys are subjected to extreme physical exertion. This process uses the will, determination, and ambitions of the children. The phrase is poetic, but it says that you shouldn’t feel sorry for yourself. And if I am a Lawrence fan, whom I trust unconditionally. Then I energetically begin to mold the author’s opinion onto my own life. Suddenly, this belief becomes the most severe introject, which has the power to destroy me physically. Let’s say I begin to mindlessly burden myself, without taking into account my age, state of health, ecology and quality of food. And suddenly - a heart attack, a stroke, a nervous breakdown... A phrase from a talented writer can be devastating for me personally. It is important to pass any advice or opinions through the prism of your own physical and mental capabilities, the extent of which you need to know. 68 Healthy Bites In the movie “Peaceful Warrior,” the main character eats food at cosmic speed, without looking and indiscriminately. A friend says: “You eat like a pig. Slow down, maybe you can taste the food.” Let's taste the food: “Take a bite of bread and chew thoroughly. Slower. Don't watch TV, don't plan for the future, don't lament the past. Pay attention to food. Watch how the teeth bite and grind, and what role the tongue plays in this.” In order not to fly away from the complex process of chewing, count. You bite 1 piece, chew and mentally count: porridge with vegetables up to 60, chicken - up to 75, pork - up to 100. Drink the resulting yushka. This exercise helps: - firstly, to be in the present and concentrate on the process of eating; - secondly, the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract; Large, unchewed pieces do not fly into the “firebox”. You carefully grind each lump and respectfully pass it to your stomach. - thirdly, lose weight. It takes longer to eat, since you have to chew longer. You feel full already during meals and eat less; - fourthly, reduce the amount of food. The jaws are not used to working so intensely, therefore, you get tired quickly and eat less. Use the same method when “digesting” mental food. A view, a belief, a thought came from the world - “grind” 1 piece of this idea 68 times. And you will understand whether she is right for you or not.