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Every person has experienced a feeling of resentment more than once in life. What are the main mechanisms of resentment, who suffers from it more and how to learn to forgive in such a situation? According to psychologists, there are several types of offended people. The first suffer because their capabilities do not coincide with reality when communicating with people. Others simply evaluate the actions of others biasedly. Resentment can be perceived as self-pity, or it can be a simple means of manipulating loved ones. In any case, you need to try to get rid of this feeling, because it provokes negative emotions. First of all, you need to find the cause of the conflict. Most often, in reality, everything is not at all as serious as it seems to us under the influence of emotions. In the heat of a quarrel, everything appears in a distorted form, exaggerated by an angry imagination tenfold. Try to look at the offense from the other side, from the opponent’s point of view. Maybe you yourself will be surprised how insignificant is what has brought so much excitement. You need to free yourself from negativity. Just don’t throw out all your negative emotions on your loved ones. Try to do something interesting - read a book, tidy up your apartment, or just go to the cinema. Some people do not like to forgive, as this can justify their mistakes and mistakes. Resentment in this case becomes a kind of shifting responsibility onto someone else's shoulders. So you should initially understand yourself. Try to understand the thoughts and actions of your offender, and find a justification for his actions. Maybe he had no intention of hurting you? Even if this is not the case, be prudent - forgiveness is always better than suspiciousness. Find strength within yourself and take the first step towards reconciliation. If you are tormented by the betrayal of a loved one, then let him know that you love him anyway. This will relieve mental heaviness. Just don’t present this as an act of heroism on your part - you are doing this for yourself, first of all. Never try to take revenge. Remember that only weak people are capable of revenge, but strong people must be able to forgive.